哪个活动会在 X 天后发送警告,然后发送“你迟到了”电子邮件?
完整的解释。我目前有一个包含 3 个分支的聆听活动。第一个分支是文件是否按时返回。第二种情况是,X 天过去后,用户收到一封电子邮件,警告他们不要迟到。第三个分支是在文档延迟 Y 天后,用户收到一封电子邮件,说明文档延迟。监听活动在 while 循环内。现在,按照我设置的方式,我知道工作流将每 X 天执行第二个分支。我不太确定如何设置工作流程,以便它执行第二个分支,然后如果文档仍未返回,它将执行第三个分支。
Full explanation. I currently have a Listen Activity with 3 branches. First branch is if the document is returned on time. Second is if after X days has passed the user gets an email warning them not to be late. Third branch is after Y days the document is late and the user gets an email stating that the document is late. The listen activity is within a while loop. Now the way I have it set up, I know that the workflow is going to execute the second branch every X days. I'm not quite sure how to set up the workflow so it execute the second branch, then if the document is still not returned, it will execute the third branch.
Any ideas?
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查看 Windows Server AppFabric/工作流服务演示 - Contoso HR 示例应用程序。它正是您所寻找的。
Check out the Windows Server AppFabric / Workflow Services Demo - Contoso HR sample application. It does exactly what you are looking for.
使用 Pick 活动,因为它只会在条件匹配时执行其中一个分支,并取消其他分支。然后,您可以使用延迟来等待适合分支操作的时间段。
Use a Pick activity as it will only execute one of the branches when its condition is matched and cancel the other branches. You can then use a delay to wait the period of time appropriate for the branch action.