通过php中的脚本生成gnuplot eps文件
我有一个 php 文件,它动态创建一个 gnuplot 脚本,然后使用预先用另一个 php 文件创建的 4 个文本文件(绘图的每行 1 个)运行该脚本。
问题是 graph.eps 文件生成为空白,我无法弄清楚。我有一种感觉,这与文本文件所在的目录有关。
set terminal postscript enhanced color
set size ratio 0.7058
set output '/srv/../A.2.5.1a.eps'
set grid
set key font "Arial,10"
set key center bot
set key out vertical
set key horizontal center
set key box
set style line 1 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "red" linewidth 2.000 pointtype 6 pointsize default
set style line 3 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "#DAA520" linewidth 2.000 pointtype 6 pointsize default
set style line 4 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "#006400" linewidth 2.000 pointtype 6 pointsize default
set style line 6 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "blue" linewidth 2.000 pointtype 6 pointsize default
set multiplot
set palette model RGB functions 0.8+gray/3, 0.8+gray/3, 0.8+gray/3
set pm3d map
set isosample 100,100
unset colorbox
unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
set nokey
set nolabel
set size 1.025,1.2
set origin -0.021,-0.06
splot y t ' '
set title "SECTION A.2.5.1a TEST RESULTS"
set key box
set key horizontal center bot
set y2tics 0 , 200
set ytics nomirror
set xtics nomirror
set border
set xtics 250
set xtics font "Arial,8"
set ytics 1750
set size 1,1
set xtics out offset -1,-0.5
set xtics rotate by 45
unset origin
unset x2tics
set xlabel "Loop Length, 26AWG(kft)"
set ylabel "Downstream Data Rate (kbps)"
set y2label "Upstream Data Rate (kbps)"
set xrange [ 250 : 5500 ] noreverse nowriteback
set yrange [ 0 : 14000 ] noreverse nowriteback
set y2range[ 0 : 1400 ] noreverse nowriteback
set bmargin 7
plot "DSE_A.2.5.1a.txt" ls 4 title 'Expected Downstream Rate' with linespoints, \
"DS_A.2.5.1a.txt" ls 1 title 'Measured Downstream Rate' with linespoints, \
"USE_A.2.5.1a.txt" axes x1y2 ls 6 title 'Expected Upstream Rate' with linespoints, \
"US_A.2.5.1a.txt" axes x1y2 ls 3 title 'Measured Upstream Rate' with linespoints
unset multiplot
exec( "{$pathName} gnuplot {$File}");
$pathName 是文件的 CWD,$File 变量会自行解释。
我尝试过使用plot $pathname/DS_A.2.5.1a.txt 等,但这也不起作用。
编辑:我刚刚阅读 http://linux .byexamples.com/archives/487/plot-your-graphs-with-command-line-gnuplot/ 我认为这可能不是 chmod-ing 并且其他命令可能是一个问题,但是当我尝试了一下还是不行。
由于它是在服务器上远程运行的,所以我没有收到手动运行 gnuplot 时收到的错误消息。
I asked a similar question a few days ago, but this is of a slightly different flavor; certainly more specific.
I have a php file that creates a gnuplot script dynamically, and then runs that script using 4 text files (1 per line of the plot) created beforehand with another php file.
The problem is that the graph.eps files are generated blank and I cannot figure it out. I have a feeling that it has something to do with the directory the text files are in.
This is the file I generate and then run.
set terminal postscript enhanced color
set size ratio 0.7058
set output '/srv/../A.2.5.1a.eps'
set grid
set key font "Arial,10"
set key center bot
set key out vertical
set key horizontal center
set key box
set style line 1 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "red" linewidth 2.000 pointtype 6 pointsize default
set style line 3 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "#DAA520" linewidth 2.000 pointtype 6 pointsize default
set style line 4 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "#006400" linewidth 2.000 pointtype 6 pointsize default
set style line 6 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "blue" linewidth 2.000 pointtype 6 pointsize default
set multiplot
set palette model RGB functions 0.8+gray/3, 0.8+gray/3, 0.8+gray/3
set pm3d map
set isosample 100,100
unset colorbox
unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
set nokey
set nolabel
set size 1.025,1.2
set origin -0.021,-0.06
splot y t ' '
set title "SECTION A.2.5.1a TEST RESULTS"
set key box
set key horizontal center bot
set y2tics 0 , 200
set ytics nomirror
set xtics nomirror
set border
set xtics 250
set xtics font "Arial,8"
set ytics 1750
set size 1,1
set xtics out offset -1,-0.5
set xtics rotate by 45
unset origin
unset x2tics
set xlabel "Loop Length, 26AWG(kft)"
set ylabel "Downstream Data Rate (kbps)"
set y2label "Upstream Data Rate (kbps)"
set xrange [ 250 : 5500 ] noreverse nowriteback
set yrange [ 0 : 14000 ] noreverse nowriteback
set y2range[ 0 : 1400 ] noreverse nowriteback
set bmargin 7
plot "DSE_A.2.5.1a.txt" ls 4 title 'Expected Downstream Rate' with linespoints, \
"DS_A.2.5.1a.txt" ls 1 title 'Measured Downstream Rate' with linespoints, \
"USE_A.2.5.1a.txt" axes x1y2 ls 6 title 'Expected Upstream Rate' with linespoints, \
"US_A.2.5.1a.txt" axes x1y2 ls 3 title 'Measured Upstream Rate' with linespoints
unset multiplot
Once this is created, I use:
exec( "{$pathName} gnuplot {$File}");
The $pathName is the CWD for the file and the $File variable explains itself.
I've tried using plot $pathname/DS_A.2.5.1a.txt, etc but that doesn't work either.
Thanks for your time and I apologize about the lengthy post. I changed the set output path because it was very long and contains relatively private information.
Thanks and I look forward to all responses!
Edit: I just read http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/487/plot-your-graphs-with-command-line-gnuplot/ and I think that maybe not chmod-ing and that other command might be a problem, but when I try that it still doesn't work.
Since it's being run remotely on a server I do not get the error messages that I do when I manually run gnuplot.
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It may be instructive to display the executed command. Instead of:
It appears that your path to
is invalid. You may need to remove the space, like this:and you may need to add a slash, like this: