解析 Wiki API 内容
L''''érythropoïétine''' ('''EPO''') est une [[hormone]] ......etc
我尝试开始 preg_replace 从顶部“{{Chimiebox...”到底部“}}”的所有内容使用这个
preg_replace( '/^{{(.*)}}$/sim', '', $value[0]['*'] );
I have this wiki from the API http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=%C9rythropo%EF%E9tine&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&format=xmlfm
which I would like to retrieve the main content starting from:
L''''érythropoïétine''' ('''EPO''') est une [[hormone]] ......etc
I tried for a start to preg_replace everything from the top starting from the word "{{Chimiebox..." to the bottom "}}" using this
preg_replace( '/^{{(.*)}}$/sim', '', $value[0]['*'] );
But kind of doesn't work..does anyone know of a good way to determine the start of the content?? Thanks for any advice.
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嗯,据我所知,大多数项目直接使用维基百科解析器,例如 维基百科我大学的离线客户项目。由于您似乎正在使用 php,因此这对您来说可能是最简单的方法。
Well, afaik the most projects use the Wikipedia Parser directly, e.g. the Wikipedia Offline Client Project at my university. Since you seem to be using php, this may the be the easiest way for you.