示例:您想要找到访问 100 个最大城市的最佳路线美国(经典 TSP),但在您访问任何特定城市之前,您必须访问该城市所在州的首府。
我不认为这些部分排序可以在经典的 TSP 中简单地通过选择在图中使用哪些边来表示(例如,您最初不能从纽约去芝加哥,但是一旦您访问了斯普林菲尔德,您可以< /em>) 或权重,但我可能是错的。
I am looking for a name for this problem or any leads on an algorithm or source code:
Example: You want to find the best route to visit the 100 largest cities in the US (classic TSP) but before you can visit any given city you must visit the capital of the state it is in.
Example: You are collecting permission slips from the students of several professors. You need to visit every student and every professor but you can't visit a professor until you have seen all of his students.
Some Googling turns up the sequential ordering problem or "SOP" but there is not so much literature that I am convinced that this is a widely accepted name.
I don't think these partial orderings can be represented within the classic TSP simply by choosing which edges to use in the graph (e.g. you can't initially go from New York to Chicago, but once you visit Springfield you can) or weights, but I may be wrong.
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顺序排序问题由 Escudero 于 1988 年在一篇题为“顺序排序问题的不精确算法”的论文中首次提出(该论文发表在《欧洲运筹学杂志》上) ,所以这是问题的原始名称。论文摘要如下:
SOP 是经过充分研究的非对称旅行商问题的约束版本,因此许多有关 ATSP 的文献可能与之相关。
The Sequential Ordering Problem was first introduced by Escudero in 1988 in a paper entitled "An Inexact Algorithm for the Sequential Ordering Problem" (this appeared in the European Journal of Operational Research), so this is the original name for the problem. The abstract of the paper reads:
Escudero and his collaborators have a number of papers on the subject, with references to even more. Searching for papers by him or that reference this paper may help you if you're looking through the literature.
SOP is a well-studied constrained version of the Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem, so much of the literature on ATSP may be related.
You could build a state machine that takes into account the ordering requirements, annotate the transitions with your weights, and solve the traveling salesman on that. Except you'd have a lot more nodes: 2^(number of capitals) times the original number of nodes.