Jquery –所见即所得的最佳结构是什么
Stackoverflow 警告我,我的问题在我创建时可能是主观的,我已阅读常见问题解答,但我仍然不确定是否允许我提出。提前抱歉,如果这个问题是主观的,如果是这样的话,请关闭它。
我正在学习 jQuery,同时开发一个我想为自己创建的小工具。我是一名设计师,我希望能够预览字体在网络上的外观,以做出我的排版选择。该工具是一个类型测试器,采用所见即所得的形式。 我想创建自己的,因为现有的在线工具都不允许您更改文本的宽度,这是一个重要的功能,因为可读性还取决于每行文本上显示的字数。
我有 2 个不同的测试器,可以在选项卡下访问,以便您可以比较文本的 2 个配置。每个元素都有一个唯一的 id,我读到最有效的 jQuery 选择器是 $('#myID')
选择器。 我已经用我的 jQuery 基本知识完成了应用程序,一切正常。我不需要该应用程序在旧浏览器上运行(我使用 html5 contenteditable),因为它仅为我和设计师朋友设计,但仍想优化代码。所以我想知道这个应用程序的最佳结构是什么。
<div class="pane">
<div id="testercontent1" class="preview">
<p class="editable" contenteditable="true">Here is the default placeholder text</p>
<div class="tools">
<form autocomplete="off">
<select id="fonts-tester1">
<option value="Arial" selected="selected">Arial</option>
<option value="Courier New">Courier New</option>
<option value="Georgia">Georgia</option>
<option value="Times New Roman">Times New Roman</option>
<option value="Trebuchet MS">Trebuchet MS</option>
<option value="Verdana">Verdana</option>
<input type="checkbox" class="bold" id="bold1" /><label>Bold</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="italic" id="italic1" /><label>Italic</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="uline" id="uline1" /><label>Underline</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="allcaps" id="allcaps1" /><label>Allcaps</label>
<input type="radio" class="pleft" name="radio1" id="pleft1" checked="checked" /><label>Alignleft</label>
<input type="radio" class="pcenter" name="radio1" id="pcenter1" /><label>Center</label>
<input type="radio" class="pright" name="radio1" id="pright1" /><label>Alignright</label>
<input type="radio" class="pjustify" name="radio1" id="pjustify1" /><label>Jusitfy</label>
<div class="type-size"><label>Size</label><input type="text" id="size1" class="spinner" value="13" /></div>
<div class="type-leading"><label>Leading</label><input type="text" id="lineheight1" class="spinner" value="20" /></div>
<div class="type-kerning"><label>Kerning</label><input type="text" id="kerning1" class="spinnerkerning" value="0" /></div>
<div class="word-spacing"><label>Word spacing</label><input type="text" id="wordspacing1" class="spinnerwordspacing" value="0" /></div>
<div class="column-width"><label>Column width</label><input type="text" id="colwidth1" class="spinnercolumn" value="600" /></div>
<input type="button" id="resetall1" value="Reset all" />
<!-- This is repeated a second time with all the id numbers set to '2' -->
$('#uline1, #uline2').click(function(){
var num = this.id.substr(-1);
$('#testercontent' + num).toggleClass('previewuline');
$('#kerning1, #kerning2').change(function(){
var num = this.id.substr(-1);
$('#testercontent' + num).css('letter-spacing', $(this).val()+'px');
$('#resetall1, #resetall2').click(function(){
var num = this.id.substr(-1);
$('#testercontent' + num).css('font-family', 'Arial').css('text-align', 'left').removeClass('previewbold').removeClass('previewitalic').removeClass('previewuline').removeClass('previewallcaps').css('font-size', '13px').css('line-height', '20px').css('letter-spacing', '0').css('word-spacing', '0');
$('#bold' + num).removeAttr('disabled');
$('#bold' + num + '-checkbox span').removeClass('disabled');
$('#italic' + num).removeAttr('disabled');
$('#italic' + num + '-checkbox span').removeClass('disabled');
$('#testercontent' + num + ' p').css('width', '600px');
$('#guide' + num).css('left', '630px');
$('#testercontent' + num).css('color', '#000000').css('backgroundColor', '#ffffff');
$('#typecolor-selector' + num).ColorPickerSetColor('#000000');
$('#typecolor-selector' + num + ' div').css('backgroundColor', '#000000');
$('#typehex' + num).attr('value', '000000');
$('#bgcolor-selector' + num).ColorPickerSetColor('#ffffff');
$('#bgcolor-selector' + num + ' div').css('backgroundColor', '#ffffff');
$('#bghex' + num).attr('value', 'ffffff');
$('#tester' + num + ' span').removeClass('checked');
$('.pleft' + num).addClass('checked');
$('#colwidth' + num).attr('value', '600');
$('.ruler-off' + num).addClass('checked');
$('#ruler' + num).hide();
$('#guide' + num).removeClass('guide-on').css("left","670px");
$('#tester' + num + ' form').get(0).reset();
$.uniform.update('#tester' + num + ' select');
$('#codebox' + num).slideUp(250);
我已经开始研究对象,但无法找出最好的方法满足这种特定需求的结构。 我知道我要求很多,但我只需要一个关于如何组织代码的提示(从左上角的角度)。我们将不胜感激。
Stackoverflow warns me that my question might be subjective while I'm creating it, I've read the faq but I'm still not sure if I am allowed to ask it. Sorry in advance if this question is subjective, please close it if that's the case.
I am learning jQuery while working on a little tool I want to create for myself. I am a designer and I want to be able to preview how the fonts look on the web to make my typographic choices. The tool is a type tester, under the form of a wysiwg.
I want to create my own because none of the online tools that exist let you change the width of the text, that's an important feature as readiblity also depends on the number of words displayed on each line of text.
I have 2 different testers that can be accessed under tabs so you can compare 2 configurations of your text. Each elements has a unique id, I read that the fatest jQuery selector is the $('#myID')
I have completed the application with my basic knowledge of jQuery, and everything works. I don't need the app to run on old browsers (I use html5 contenteditable) as it is designed only for me and designers friends but still want to optimize the code. So I would like to know what would be the best structure for this app.
Here is a simplified version of my markup:
<div class="pane">
<div id="testercontent1" class="preview">
<p class="editable" contenteditable="true">Here is the default placeholder text</p>
<div class="tools">
<form autocomplete="off">
<select id="fonts-tester1">
<option value="Arial" selected="selected">Arial</option>
<option value="Courier New">Courier New</option>
<option value="Georgia">Georgia</option>
<option value="Times New Roman">Times New Roman</option>
<option value="Trebuchet MS">Trebuchet MS</option>
<option value="Verdana">Verdana</option>
<input type="checkbox" class="bold" id="bold1" /><label>Bold</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="italic" id="italic1" /><label>Italic</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="uline" id="uline1" /><label>Underline</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="allcaps" id="allcaps1" /><label>Allcaps</label>
<input type="radio" class="pleft" name="radio1" id="pleft1" checked="checked" /><label>Alignleft</label>
<input type="radio" class="pcenter" name="radio1" id="pcenter1" /><label>Center</label>
<input type="radio" class="pright" name="radio1" id="pright1" /><label>Alignright</label>
<input type="radio" class="pjustify" name="radio1" id="pjustify1" /><label>Jusitfy</label>
<div class="type-size"><label>Size</label><input type="text" id="size1" class="spinner" value="13" /></div>
<div class="type-leading"><label>Leading</label><input type="text" id="lineheight1" class="spinner" value="20" /></div>
<div class="type-kerning"><label>Kerning</label><input type="text" id="kerning1" class="spinnerkerning" value="0" /></div>
<div class="word-spacing"><label>Word spacing</label><input type="text" id="wordspacing1" class="spinnerwordspacing" value="0" /></div>
<div class="column-width"><label>Column width</label><input type="text" id="colwidth1" class="spinnercolumn" value="600" /></div>
<input type="button" id="resetall1" value="Reset all" />
<!-- This is repeated a second time with all the id numbers set to '2' -->
Apply changes
And here is an example of how I (inefficiently) apply changes to the text with my set of tools (I repeat this "format" a lot, for each property I can change on the text):
$('#uline1, #uline2').click(function(){
var num = this.id.substr(-1);
$('#testercontent' + num).toggleClass('previewuline');
$('#kerning1, #kerning2').change(function(){
var num = this.id.substr(-1);
$('#testercontent' + num).css('letter-spacing', $(this).val()+'px');
Reset changes
Also, if you noticed, I have a "Reset all" button that resets all the parameters I changed in my toolset and "reinitialize" the text properties back to default. For that I change all the values back to default but I am sure there is a much efficient way to do this (that is related to how I apply changes):
$('#resetall1, #resetall2').click(function(){
var num = this.id.substr(-1);
$('#testercontent' + num).css('font-family', 'Arial').css('text-align', 'left').removeClass('previewbold').removeClass('previewitalic').removeClass('previewuline').removeClass('previewallcaps').css('font-size', '13px').css('line-height', '20px').css('letter-spacing', '0').css('word-spacing', '0');
$('#bold' + num).removeAttr('disabled');
$('#bold' + num + '-checkbox span').removeClass('disabled');
$('#italic' + num).removeAttr('disabled');
$('#italic' + num + '-checkbox span').removeClass('disabled');
$('#testercontent' + num + ' p').css('width', '600px');
$('#guide' + num).css('left', '630px');
$('#testercontent' + num).css('color', '#000000').css('backgroundColor', '#ffffff');
$('#typecolor-selector' + num).ColorPickerSetColor('#000000');
$('#typecolor-selector' + num + ' div').css('backgroundColor', '#000000');
$('#typehex' + num).attr('value', '000000');
$('#bgcolor-selector' + num).ColorPickerSetColor('#ffffff');
$('#bgcolor-selector' + num + ' div').css('backgroundColor', '#ffffff');
$('#bghex' + num).attr('value', 'ffffff');
$('#tester' + num + ' span').removeClass('checked');
$('.pleft' + num).addClass('checked');
$('#colwidth' + num).attr('value', '600');
$('.ruler-off' + num).addClass('checked');
$('#ruler' + num).hide();
$('#guide' + num).removeClass('guide-on').css("left","670px");
$('#tester' + num + ' form').get(0).reset();
$.uniform.update('#tester' + num + ' select');
$('#codebox' + num).slideUp(250);
I've started to look into objects but couldn't figure out the best structure for this specific need.
I am aware that I am asking for a lot, but what I simply need is a hint on how I should organize the code (from a top left perspective). That would be greatly appreciated.
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