如何从 phpmyadmin 查找 mySQL 服务器 IP 地址
我可以访问我的服务器的 phpmyadmin。但是我怎样才能从phpmyadmin找到mysql的IP地址呢?我的网络服务器和 mysql 使用不同的 IP。
I have access to my server's phpmyadmin. But how can I find that mysql's Ip address from phpmyadmin. My webserver and mysql is using different IPs.
Is there any way to find this out?
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SQL 查询SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'hostname' 将显示 MySQL 服务器的主机名,您可以轻松解析为它的 IP 地址。
SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'port' 将为您提供端口号。
您可以在 MySQL 手册中找到有关此内容的详细信息:。 SHOW VARIABLES 语法与 5.1.4 相同。服务器系统变量
The SQL query SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'hostname' will show you the hostname of the MySQL server which you can easily resolve to its IP address.
SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'port' Will give you the port number.
You can find details about this in MySQL's manual: SHOW VARIABLES Syntax and 5.1.4. Server System Variables
MySQL 并不关心它的 IP 地址。您可以获得的最接近的是主机名:
MySQL doesn't care what IP its on. Closest you could get would be hostname:
服务器的地址存储在 config.php 中
The server's address is stored in config.php
作为替代方案,由于您知道主机名,因此可以通过 Web 服务器的主机名解析数据库服务器 IP。
As an alternative, since you know the hostname, resolve the database server IP via hostname from the web server.
您可以利用 phpmyadmin 界面并导航到变量,然后搜索主机名并将其转换为下面屏幕截图中的 IP 地址:
You can utilize the phpmyadmin interface and navigate to variables, then search for hostname and convert it to IP Address in the screenshots below:
你可以 ssh 到你的服务器并运行这个命令
You can ssh to your server and run this command
It worked for me..