
发布于 2024-11-17 04:39:16 字数 774 浏览 9 评论 0原文


  • 每个节点连接到三个相邻节点,
  • 每个节点“i”应与恰好一个邻居节点“j”配对。
  • 每对节点定义一个成本函数

    c =pairCost( i, j )

  • 总成本计算如下

    totalCost = 1/2 sum_{i=1:N} (pairCost(i,pair(i)))

其中pair(i)返回与“i”配对的节点的索引。 (总和除以二,因为总和将每个节点计数两次)。我的问题是,如何找到使总成本最小化的节点对?




  • 我并不真正关心最外面的节点
  • 我的成本函数类似于|| v(i) - v(j) || (与节点关联的向量之间的距离)
  • 我猜这个问题可能是 NP 困难的,但我真的不需要真正的最优解决方案,一个好的解决方案就足够了。
  • 朴素的算法往往会得到“锁定”的节点,即它们的所有邻居都被占用。


I'm searching for an algorithm to find pairs of adjacent nodes on a hexagonal (honeycomb) graph that minimizes a cost function.

  • each node is connected to three adjacent nodes
  • each node "i" should be paired with exactly one neighbor node "j".
  • each pair of nodes defines a cost function

    c = pairCost( i, j )

  • The total cost is then computed as

    totalCost = 1/2 sum_{i=1:N} ( pairCost(i, pair(i) ) )

Where pair(i) returns the index of the node that "i" is paired with. (The sum is divided by two because the sum counts each node twice). My question is, how do I find node pairs that minimize the totalCost?

The linked image should make it clearer what a solution would look like (thick red line indicates a pairing):

enter image description here

Some further notes:

  • I don't really care about the outmost nodes
  • My cost function is something like || v(i) - v(j) || (distance between vectors associated with the nodes)
  • I'm guessing the problem might be NP-hard, but I don't really need the truly optimal solution, a good one would suffice.
  • Naive algos tend to get nodes that are "locked in", i.e. all their neighbors are taken.

Note: I'm not familiar with the usual nomenclature in this field (is it graph theory?). If you could help with that, then maybe that could enable me to search for a solution in the literature.

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小霸王臭丫头 2024-11-24 04:39:16

这是一般图中的最大权重匹配问题的一个实例 -当然,您必须否定权重才能使其成为最小权重匹配问题。 Edmonds 的路径、树木和花朵算法 (维基百科链接)为您解决了这个问题(还有一个公共Python 实现)。对于 n 个顶点,简单的实现是 O(n4),但可以将其降低到 O(n1/2m)使用 Micali 和 Vazirani 的算法计算 n 个顶点和 m 个边(抱歉,找不到相应的 PDF)。

This is an instance of the maximum weight matching problem in a general graph - of course you'll have to negate your weights to make it a minimum weight matching problem. Edmonds's paths, trees and flowers algorithm (Wikipedia link) solves this for you (there is also a public Python implementation). The naive implementation is O(n4) for n vertices, but it can be pushed down to O(n1/2m) for n vertices and m edges using the algorithm of Micali and Vazirani (sorry, couldn't find a PDF for that).

巷雨优美回忆 2024-11-24 04:39:16


如果做不到这一点,您的问题可以被表述为整数线性规划问题,它是 NP 完全的,这意味着即使对于中等规模的问题,您也可能会得到可怕的性能。 (但这并不一定意味着问题本身是 NP 完全的。)

This seems related to the minimum edge cover problem, with the additional constraint that there can only be one edge per node, and that you're trying to minimize the cost rather than the number of edges. Maybe you can find some answers by searching for that phrase.

Failing that, your problem can be phrased as an integer linear programming problem, which is NP-complete, which means that you might get dreadful performance for even medium-sized problems. (This does not necessarily mean that the problem itself is NP-complete, though.)

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