我想建立我自己的 Facebook 上最“喜欢”页面的列表。 FB 本身似乎也做了这样的一个版本,至少针对字母表中的每个字母。每个目录页面,例如 http://www.facebook.com/directory/pages/A 列出以该字母开头的前 20 个最受欢迎的页面。
如果我知道每个 FB 页面的 ID,那么我可以使用图形 API 轻松获取其点赞数,但我不知道如何获取初始列表。我确信它很大,而且说实话,我真的宁愿只拥有所有页面的前 20% 左右。但如果我拥有所有这些,我就可以自己进行分类。
我搜索了 FB 开发论坛并浏览了他们的文档,但找不到方法。使用 FQL 的查询似乎也不使用通配符。
I want to build my own list of the most 'liked' pages on Facebook. FB itself appears to do a version of this, at least for each letter of the alphabet. Each directory page, such as http://www.facebook.com/directory/pages/A lists the top 20 most liked pages starting with that letter.
If I knew the IDs of every FB page then I could easily grab its like count using the graph API, but I don't know of a way to get that initial list. I'm sure it's huge, and honestly, I really would rather just have the top 20% or so of all pages. But if I had them all I could do the sorting myself.
I've searched the FB dev forums and looked through their docs but can't find a way. Queries using FQL don't appear to take wildcards either.
在 FQL 中,您可以按名称搜索页表。但这不允许通配符搜索。使用 graph api,您可以使用以下 url 执行页面搜索:
https://graph.facebook.com/search?type=page&q=test (您可能希望通过在末尾添加 access_token 参数来证明这一点)。第三种选择是使用搜索引擎搜索 Facebook 页面。最后,您可以使用此 Facebook 页面浏览器 https://www.facebook.com/ajax/pages/browser/content.php?country=US&category=10000&start=1050&__a=1" rel="nofollow">网址。
In FQL, you can search the page table by name. This doesn't allow wildcard searches though. Using the graph api, you can perform page searches using this url:
https://graph.facebook.com/search?type=page&q=test (You would want to future proof this by adding an access_token parameter to the end). A third option would by to use search engines to search for Facebook pages. Finally, you could scrape and parse the Facebook page browser by using this url.