如果我选择今天的日期(2011 年 6 月 14 日),它会给我今天打卡的所有检查号码。该交货时间包括周末。因此,如果我有一位客户在 10 号(星期五)开始一个项目并在今天完成;它显示大约花了五天,而不是三天。
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I believe there used to be a function to do this a long long time ago, but I believe that function has since been removed. I believe that you should be able to use something like the following which calculates the business days between two dates:
This gets the total days difference and subtracts the saturdays and sundays from the total. Note this does not include holidays. For that you'd need to maintain them in your own User Function Library and include them in the calculation.
Hope this helps.
这是我想出的解决方案。基本上,如果超过 7 天,我知道要减去多少天。如果不到 7 天,我仍然可以判断它是否跨越周末。 Crystal Reports 有一个函数 DayOfWeek,它返回当天的数字,即星期日 = 1、星期一 = 2 等。如果结束时间日期数字小于开始时间数字,我们就知道周末已经过去。我们可以减去 2。timeDiff
是开始日期 - 结束日期。
This is the solution i came up with. Pretty much if it is anything over 7 days i know how many days to subtract. if it is under 7 days i can still figure out if it spanned the weekend. Crystal reports has a function DayOfWeek that returns a number for the day i.e. Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, etc. If the finish time day number is less than the start time number we know it passed the weekend. and we can subtract 2.
timeDiff is startdate - finishdate.
I have a more in depth explanation on my website. the link is here
上面的代码是根据 KenHamady。
来自 美国海军天文台。
Here is a monster solution that also takes public holidays into account:
Code above modified from solution found at KenHamady.
The following function is called by the previous function and returns all public holidays:
Code above based on the custom function in this post by craig.
The holiday function need to be able to get the date for easter sunday for a given year:
Easter sunday calculation formula from United States Naval Observatory.