此问题源于使用 jQuery 插件[1] 用更可定制的内容替换 select
元素。本质上,我想要一个绝对定位的 div 具有最小宽度。
当列表没有滚动条时,浏览器似乎会以相同的方式呈现 div。
- IE9将滚动条添加到内容区域的外部,添加到最小宽度
- 所有其他浏览器将滚动条添加到内容区域的内部,保持最小宽度,同时在必要时添加水平滚动条。
- 兼容模式下的 IE9 会恢复为与其他浏览器类似地显示滚动条。
我希望能够为所有浏览器呈现相同的列表。理想情况下,我希望有一个纯 CSS 解决方案,没有任何浏览器黑客或条件注释。
[1] 我与“abeautifulsite.net”没有任何关系
I'm having a hard time coming up with the words to describe this problem.
Please see this fiddle for example code.
This problem stemmed from using a jQuery plugin[1] to replace select
elements with something more customizable. Essentially, I want an absolutely positioned div to have a minimum width.
When the list doesn't have a scrollbar, browsers seem to render the div identically.
When the list is too long:
- IE9 adds the scrollbar to the outside of the content area, adding to the minimum width
- all other browsers add the scrollbar to the inside of the content area, maintaining the minimum width, while adding a horizontal scrollbar if necessary.
- IE9 in compatibility mode reverts to displaying the scrollbar similarly to other browsers.
I'd like to be able to render the list the same for all browsers. Ideally I'd like to have a pure CSS solution without any browser hacks or conditional comments.
[1] I am in no way affiliated with "abeautifulsite.net"
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使用以下 jQuery 插件 jScrollPane,您可以使用 CSS 自定义滚动条。这不是一个完美的解决方案,因为您将丢失所有默认滚动条。但从好的方面来说,您可以对元素宽度进行精确的跨浏览器控制。
All browsers handle scroll-bars differently as you've learned. All different widths and some are already included in the element width even when they're not used where others are added to the element's width when they show up.
With the following jQuery plugin, jScrollPane, you can customize the scroll-bars using CSS. It's not a perfect solution since you'll lose any default scroll-bars. But on the plus side, you'll have precise cross-browser control over your element widths.
这似乎在 FF 3.6 和 IE8 中对我显示相同,没有 IE9 所以无法分辨:
This seem to display the same for me in FF 3.6 and IE8, don't have IE9 so can't tell: