“在 facebook 上分享”中的描述被错过了
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问题是,当我想在以下位置共享它时facebook,描述显示其他元素,例如上面的某种“html”代码!我尝试解决之前发布的问题,但没有成功! 分享时您可以在此处看到:http://scheissemag。 blogspot.com/2011/06/this-summers-faux-pas.html
I just added a new buttons for sharing contents of my posts on blogger using this code that I installed afer <data:post.body/>
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The problem is that when I want to share it on facebook, Description show other element like a sort of an 'html' code on it ! I tried to fix with the previous questions posted here but it didn't work !
Here you can see it when you share : http://scheissemag.blogspot.com/2011/06/this-summers-faux-pas.html
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出于 SEO 目的,无论如何您都应该设置第二个。如果您实施此操作但没有看到更改应用,请使用 Facebook 的 linter 工具刷新他们的缓存。
In the
<head />
tag, add this:Alternatively, you can set this:
You should be setting the second one anyways for SEO purposes. If you implement this and you don't see the change apply, use Facebook's linter tool to refresh their cache.