我可以使用模型绑定验证 HTTP 请求签名令牌和随机数吗?
我正在使用 ASP.NET MVC 设置一个端点,可以向该端点发出操作和检索数据的请求(基本上是一个 API)。我使用 2-legged OAuth 模型来验证请求是否使用密钥和签名方法以及随机数表进行签名,以防止劫持。
由于模型绑定在 ASP.NET MVC 中非常方便,我将利用它来消费请求,但我想知道是否可以将签名验证和随机数/时间戳处理直接烘焙到模型绑定器中。这可能吗?这样我就可以重复使用我创建的各种操作的实现。
I am setting up an end-point using ASP.NET MVC to which requests can be made to manipulate and retrieve data (basically, an API). I am using a 2-legged OAuth model to validate that requests be signed using a secret key and signing method as well as a nonce table to prevent hi-jacking.
Since Model Binding is so handy in ASP.NET MVC I am going to take advantage of it to consume requests, but I wonder if I can bake the signature verification and nonce/timestamp handling right into the model binder. Is this possible? That way I can just re-use the implementation on the various Actions that I create.
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可以驻留在您的 ModelBinder 中,但最好驻留在其他地方。然后将其粘贴到 Global.asax 的 Application_Start 中:
I reckon you should be able to. Try this:
could live in your ModelBinder, but it might be better for it to live somewhere else.Then stick this in Application_Start in your Global.asax: