算法:如何使用 RGB 值从红色通过黄色淡入绿色?
我想显示一种基于 0 到 100 之间的值的颜色。一端 (100) 是纯红色,另一端 (0) 是纯绿色。在中间(50),我希望它是黄色的。
我希望颜色逐渐从一种颜色褪到另一种颜色,例如在 75 时,颜色一半是红色,一半是黄色,等等。
如何对 RGB 值进行编程以反映这种褪色?谢谢。
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我将 1400 MHz 和 3500 MHz 之间的 CPU 速度值映射到 rgb() 值,以从 green ->黄色->红色与此功能
I mapped values of CPU speed between 1400 MHz and 3500 MHz to rgb() values to get from green -> yellow -> red with this function
更多的是相同的。只是 Delphi Pascal 编码并简化+锁定到信号量颜色(红/黄/绿)。
More of the same. Just Delphi Pascal coded and simplified+locked to semaphore colors (red/yellow/green).
最近我计划使用 Javascript 做同样的事情。我已经遵循了两个步骤。
用于在 C++ 中显示此作品的示例代码
该解决方案的灵感来自 @jterrace 答案。
Recently I was planning to do samething using Javascript. I have followed two steps.
Here is the code I used for this purpose.
A sample code for showing this works in C++
This solution is inspired by @jterrace answer.
上用红黄绿渐变填充 OwnerDraw 控件
// 在 WM_DRAWITEM Illustration
// To fill an OwnerDraw control with red-yellow-green gradient upon WM_DRAWITEM
如果你使用 python 那么这可能会有所帮助......
If you are on python then this might help...
最大速度 = 红色
最小速度 (0) = 绿色
代码基于 AssaultOPS 版本
In Javascript to generate the color relative to the speed.
Max speed = red
Minimum speed (0) = green
The code is based on the version of AssaultOPS
让我们关注颜色分量的 [0.0-1.0] 范围,而不是 [0-255] 范围:
如果您只是缩放绿色分量从 0.0(一端)到 1.0(另一端),并对红色分量执行相同的操作(但向后看),你会得到丑陋且不均匀的颜色分布。
如果仔细观察单个分量,您会发现我们可以将范围分成两个相等的部分:在第一个分量中,我们将红色分量从 0.0 增加到 1.0,将绿色分量保留为 1.0,将蓝色分量保留为 0.0;在第二个中,我们减少绿色分量,使其他两个保持原样。我们可以利用任何高于 1.0 的值都将被读取为 1.0 的事实,通过最大化我们的值来简化代码。假设您的 x 值从 0.00 (0%) 到 1.00 (100%),您可以将其乘以 2,使其超过颜色分量 1.0 的限制。现在,您的组件从 0.0 变为 2.0(红色),从 2.0 变为 0.0(绿色)。让它们被剪裁到 [0.0-1.0] 范围,然后就可以了。
如果你的 x 在另一个范围内移动(比如 [0-100]),你需要选择一个合适的因子而不是 2
I had the same need and I just resolved with this:
Instead of the [0-255] range, let's focus on the [0.0-1.0] range for color components:
If you just scale the green component from 0.0 (on one end) to 1.0 (on the other end) and do the same thing with the red component (but going backwards), you'll get ugly and non-uniform color distribution.
To make it look nice, we could write a lot of code, or we could be more clever.
If you look carefully at the single components, you can see that we can split the range in two equal parts: in the first one we increase the red component from 0.0 to 1.0, leaving the green at 1.0 and the blue at 0.0; in the second we decrease the green component, leaving the other 2 as they are. We can take advantage of the fact that any value above 1.0 will be read as 1.0, by maxing out our values to simplify the code. Assuming your x value goes from 0.00 (0%) to 1.00 (100%), you can multiply it by 2 to let it go over the 1.0 limit for color components. Now you have your components going from 0.0 to 2.0 (the red one) and from 2.0 to 0.0 (the green one). Let them be clipped to [0.0-1.0] ranges and there you go.
If your x moves in another range (like [0-100]) you need to choose an appropriate factor instead of 2
颜色的 RGB 值:
在红色和黄色之间,等间隔添加到绿色通道,直到达到 255。在黄色和绿色之间,等间隔你从红色通道中减去的部分。
The RGB values for the colors:
Between Red and Yellow, equally space your additions to the green channel until it reaches 255. Between Yellow and Green, equally space your subtractions from the red channel.
Here is a very simple linear interpolation of the color components. It might serve your needs.
我不懂 C#,所以这个答案只是建议的方法。令
。编辑:这是 C# 中的代码
I don't know C#, so this answer is just a suggested approach. Let
denote theint
that ranges from0
. Something like this should work:The idea is to start at red:
. Then increase the green to get yellow:(1.0,1.0,0.0)
. Then decrease the red to get green:(0.0,1.0,0.0)
.Edit: Here is the code in C#
Simplified extension method;
After I experimented for a while with more realistic colors, here is my formula:
您需要使用 HSB 或 HSV 颜色表示,并使用 H(“Hue “) 价值。请参阅有关 RGB 和 HSB/HSV 之间转换的其他 SO 问题:如何更改 RGB颜色到 HSV?
You need to use the HSB or HSV color representation instead, and play with the H ("Hue") value. See this other SO question for transformation betweeen RGB and HSB/HSV: How to change RGB color to HSV?
此方法(在 C# 中,但可以轻松翻译为其他语言)将采用百分比和颜色列表,并根据百分比返回渐变上的颜色。当您传递颜色时,它们需要按从 0 值到 100 值的顺序排列(因此您需要按绿色、黄色、红色的顺序传递)。如果您发现中间需要不同或更多颜色,只需按照您希望它们出现的顺序将它们添加到您传递的颜色列表中即可。
This method (in c#, but can be easily translated to other languages) will take a percentage and list of colors and return the color on the gradient based on your percentage. When you pass in the colors, they need to be in order from 0 value to 100 value (so you would want to pass Green, Yellow, Red - in that order). If you find that you want different or more colors in the middle, just add them to the list of colors you pass in the order you want them to appear.
看一下 LinearGradientBrush 。它应该是您正在寻找的内容的完整实现。
Take a look at LinearGradientBrush. It should be a complete implementation on what you're looking for.
我为 UIColor 编写了一个 Swift 4 扩展,它将百分比 (0-100) 转换为从红色到绿色的 UIColor。
I wrote a Swift 4 extension for UIColor which converts a percentage (0-100) to a UIColor from red to green.
I'm currently using it for progress bars in an analytics app. Here's an example:
Here's the extension:
输入 1 将返回 RGB (1, 99, 0)
you just need to create a function with integer parameter
input 1 will return RGB (1, 99, 0)
我今天需要类似的东西。输入为从 0.0 到 1.0 的百分比,输出为红色到绿色。基于jterrace的答案实现:
I had a need for something similar today. Input was percent from 0.0 to 1.0, and output red to green. Implementation based on jterrace's answer: