Apache Commons 电子邮件和 UTF-8
如何将 Apache Commons Email 生成的电子邮件的编码更改为 UTF-8?我想发送根据收件人的语言生成的电子邮件,并且我需要考虑日语和俄语。问题是:Email 类没有提出可以传递给 Email.setCharset
方法的 UTF-8 常量。有什么线索吗?
How do you change the encoding of an email generated with Apache Commons Email to UTF-8? I want to send emails I generate depending on the receiver's language, and I need to take in account Japanese and Russian. Problem is: the Email class doesn't propose a UTF-8 constant I can pass to the Email.setCharset
method. Any clue?
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Apache Commons Email API 中似乎有一个 UTF_8 常量:
在 http://commons.apache.org/email/apidocs/src-html/org/apache/commons/mail/EmailConstants.html#line.38 如下:
参见 http://commons.apache.org/email/apidocs/org/apache/commons/mail/EmailConstants.html
There does appear to be a constant for UTF_8 in the Apache Commons Email API:
Which is defined in http://commons.apache.org/email/apidocs/src-html/org/apache/commons/mail/EmailConstants.html#line.38 as:
See http://commons.apache.org/email/apidocs/org/apache/commons/mail/EmailConstants.html
如果您使用 1.2 版,则可以创建自己的常量,直到该方法接受 String 为止,并且如果 JVM 中不支持指定的字符集,则会抛出 UnsupportedCharsetException。
如果可能的话,您可以使用 Apache commons lang 中的 CharEncoding 类中的 UTF_8 常量来代替。
If you work with the version 1.2, you can create your own constant, until the method accept a String and will throw an UnsupportedCharsetException if there's no support for the named charset in the JVM.
If it's possible, you can use instead the UTF_8 constant in the CharEncoding class in Apache commons lang.