As you've already stated, the most likely place that you'll find it is in graphics and games programming. You don't say what language you'd like to program in, so I'll assume Java:
Probably the most important application of linear algebra in programming is Modular Arithmetic.
As for the examples you've provided, the relationship is quite reversed. Programming is used to implement those algorithms, the algorithms are not used for general programming.
矩阵及其变换用于在 Flash、IOS 和 Android 中定位、旋转和缩放元素。查看转换矩阵 wiki、android api 和 酷炫的 Flash 教程
Matrices and their transformations are used for positioning, rotating and scaling elements in Flash, IOS and Android. Check out transformation matrix wiki, android api, and a cool flash tutorial
正如您已经说过的,您最有可能找到它的地方是图形和游戏编程。你没有说你想用什么语言编程,所以我假设 Java:
并非所有技术都是一样的。如果您进行科学计算,您将更多地使用 LU 分解和特征值。
这是一本非常好的书。不要被日期所迷惑:数学原理并没有改变。我还建议查看 OpenGL。
As you've already stated, the most likely place that you'll find it is in graphics and games programming. You don't say what language you'd like to program in, so I'll assume Java:
All techniques are not created equal. You will use LU decomposition and eigenvalues more if you're doing scientific computing.
This is a very good book. Don't be fooled by the date: the mathematics haven't changed. I'd also recommend looking at OpenGL.
All the simple graphice are made with the use of linear algebra...
Make a new console project nd try your skills...
Probably the most important application of linear algebra in programming is Modular Arithmetic.
As for the examples you've provided, the relationship is quite reversed. Programming is used to implement those algorithms, the algorithms are not used for general programming.