Surfing on web i find Ext.Gantt plugin for ExtJS, that extension have a special encode. Anybody know how to encode like that or another complicated form.
It appears to be obfuscated by Dean Edwards's Packer, and then further converted into hex notation.
Just copy everything from var _0x5749 = to just before eval(function. Open up FireBug, paste it into console, and print out the variable. It is a JavaScript program that has been obfuscated by Dean Edwards' Packer.
Packer-encoded scripts have a signature: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){ which in this case is converted to eval(function (_0x68cdx1, _0x68cdx2, _0x68cdx3, _0x68cdx4, _0x68cdx5, _0x68cdx6) { _0x68cdx5 = function (_0x68cdx3) {. Notice that "e" is encoded to _0x68cdx5, and "c" is encoded to _0x68cdx3.
There are web tools to decode Dean Edwards' Packer, but there is a very simple way to get the script text:
Copy all the code up to (but not including) Ext.onReady(function() {
Look for eval(function(...
Replace "eval" with "console.log"
Run the script in node.js, or JsShell, or Rhino, or FireBug, or the Developer Console of Chrome or Safari
The script in plain text is printed the the console
Copy the script and pass it through an on-line JavaScript beautifier
它似乎被 Dean Edwards 的 Packer 混淆了,然后进一步转换为十六进制表示法。
var _0x5749 =
之前)。打开 FireBug,将其粘贴到控制台,然后打印出变量。它是一个 JavaScript 程序,具有被 Dean Edwards 的Packer 编码的脚本混淆了,其中有一个签名:
案件转换为eval(function (_0x68cdx1, _0x68cdx2, _0x68cdx3, _0x68cdx4, _0x68cdx5, _0x68cdx6) { _0x68cdx5 = function (_0x68cdx3) {
。请注意,“e”被编码为 _0x68cdx5,并且“c”被编码为 _0x68cdx3。有一些网络工具可以解码 Dean Edwards 的 Packer,但是有一个非常简单的方法来获取脚本文本:
Ext.onReady( function() {
我推荐的最好的混淆器是ADVANCED模式下的Google Closure Compiler——这使得脚本几乎不可能被逆向工程。
It appears to be obfuscated by Dean Edwards's Packer, and then further converted into hex notation.
Just copy everything from
var _0x5749 =
to just beforeeval(function
. Open up FireBug, paste it into console, and print out the variable. It is a JavaScript program that has been obfuscated by Dean Edwards' Packer.Packer-encoded scripts have a signature:
which in this case is converted toeval(function (_0x68cdx1, _0x68cdx2, _0x68cdx3, _0x68cdx4, _0x68cdx5, _0x68cdx6) { _0x68cdx5 = function (_0x68cdx3) {
. Notice that "e" is encoded to _0x68cdx5, and "c" is encoded to _0x68cdx3.There are web tools to decode Dean Edwards' Packer, but there is a very simple way to get the script text:
Ext.onReady(function() {
I would only call this simplistic obfuscation as the raw source code can be obtained through a decoding process.
The best obfuscator I recommend is the Google Closure Compiler in ADVANCED mode -- which makes scripts almost impossible to reverse-engineer.