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前段时间我正在研究 C/C++ 最小二乘拟合库的状态。我记下了一些链接,包括您提供的链接以及:
ALGLIB/optimization -- Lev-Mar 与边界约束。
WNLIB/wnnlp —— C 语言的约束非线性优化包(一般优化,不是最小二乘)。约束是通过添加惩罚函数来处理的。
我还没有使用过任何库,但 NLopt 对我来说似乎是最有前途的。如果它有专门的接口和用于(加权)最小二乘拟合的算法,那就太好了。
顺便说一句,你关于 Matlab 的注释是否意味着它有带有非线性约束的 Lev-Mar ?
Some time ago I was researching the state of C/C++ least squares fitting libraries. I noted down a few links, including the ones you gave and also:
ALGLIB/optimization -- Lev-Mar with boundary constraints.
WNLIB/wnnlp -- a constrained non-linear optimization package in C (general optimization, not least squares). Constraints are handled by adding a penalty function.
I haven't used any of the libraries yet, but NLopt seems the most promising for me. It would be great if it had specialized interface and algorithms for (weighted) least-squares fitting.
BTW, does your note about Matlab mean that it has Lev-Mar with non-linear constraints?
简单的基准测试表明,它的收敛速度确实比 Lev-Mar 方法慢一些,但由于需要约束,速度受到了影响。
The approach I finally followed is the following:
I used NLopt for the optimization and the objective function was constructed to compute the squared error of the problem.
The algorithm that showed the most promising results was COBYLA (Local derivative-free optimization). It supports box constraints and non-linear constraints. The linear inequity constraints were introduced as non-linear constraints, which should be generally feasible.
Simple benchmarking shows that it does converge a little slower than a Lev-Mar approach, but speed is sacrificed due to the need for constraints.
MPFIT:C 中的 MINPACK-1 最小二乘拟合库
MPFIT 使用 Levenberg-Marquardt 技术来解决最小二乘问题。在其典型用途中,MPFIT 将用于通过调整一组参数来将用户提供的函数(“模型”)拟合到用户提供的数据点(“数据”)。 MPFIT 基于 More' 及其合作者的 MINPACK-1 (LMDIF.F)。
http://cow.physicals.wisc.edu/~craigm/idl/cmpfit .html
MPFIT: A MINPACK-1 Least Squares Fitting Library in C
MPFIT uses the Levenberg-Marquardt technique to solve the least-squares problem. In its typical use, MPFIT will be used to fit a user-supplied function (the "model") to user-supplied data points (the "data") by adjusting a set of parameters. MPFIT is based upon MINPACK-1 (LMDIF.F) by More' and collaborators.
OPTIF9 可以转换为 C(来自 Fortran)并且可能已经被由某人。
这是一个棘手的问题,因为这意味着每当参数到达边界时,它就会有效地将自由度降低 1。
我发现当我有一组非常灵活的约束时,如果我想要一个好的无故障算法,我会使用 大都会-黑斯廷斯。
OPTIF9 can be converted to C (from Fortran) and may already have been by somebody.
If what you mean by box constraints is that it supports upper and lower limits on parameter values, I believe there is a version that does that.
That is a tricky problem, because it means whenever a parameter gets to a boundary, it effectively reduces the degrees of freedom by 1.
It can get "stuck on a wall" when you didn't really want it to.
What we've found is that it's better to use an unconstrained minimizer and transform parameters, via something like a log or logit transform, so that in the search space they are unconstrained, but in the model space they are constrained.
As far as the other types of constraints, I don't know, although one option is, as part of your objective function, to make it get really bad when constraints are violated, so the optimizer avoids those areas.
I've found when I have a really flexible set of constraints, if I want a good trouble-free algorithm, I use Metropolis-Hastings.
Unless I'm wrong, if it generates a sample that violates constraints, you can simply discard the sample.
It takes longer, but it's simple and always works.