我们和一些朋友想使用 openCL。为此,我们希望购买一台新计算机,但我们询问了 AMD 和 Intel 之间使用 openCL 的最佳选择。显卡将是 Nvidia,我们在显卡上没有选择,所以我们开始想购买 intel cpu,但经过一些研究,我们发现 AMD cpu 可能更适合 openCL。我们没有找到比较两者的基准。
AMD 在 openCL 方面比 Intel 更好吗?
Nvidia 卡搭配 AMD cpu 是否能保证 openCL 的性能?
With some friends we want to use openCL. For this we look to buy a new computer, but we asked us the best between AMD and Intel for use of openCL. The graphics card will be a Nvidia and we don't have choice on the graphic card, so we start to want buy an intel cpu, but after some research we figure out that may be AMD cpu are better with openCL. We didn't find benchmarks which compare the both.
So here is our questions:
Is AMD better than Intel with openCL?
Is it a matter to have a Nvidia card with an AMD cpu for the performance of openCL?
Thank you,
您不应该像关心您使用的 GPU 那样关心您使用的 CPU。您需要在 AMD/ATI GPU 或 nVidia GPU 之间进行选择。
我个人推荐 nVidia GPU,因为除了 OpenCL 支持之外,您还可以尝试他们更专有的 CUDA 技术提供了比当今 OpenCL 更丰富的开发体验。当您看到它时,请查看新的 微软刚刚针对 C++ 宣布的 AMP 技术,旨在带来类似于 nVidia CUDA 的语言扩展。 nVidia 还为企业提供 Tesla GPU 的产品,多家供应商提供 GPU 集群,您甚至可以获得 现在 Amazon EC2 上的 GPU 计算集群 全部基于 nVidia 硬件。
You shouldn't care as much about what CPU you use as much as what GPU you use. You would need to choose between an AMD/ATI GPU or nVidia GPU.
I would personally recommend an nVidia GPU as, in addition to OpenCL support, you can experiment with their more proprietary CUDA technology which offers a far richer development experience than OpenCL does today. While you're at it take a look at the new AMP technology that was just announced by Microsoft for C++ which aims to bring language extensions akin to nVidia's CUDA. nVidia also has offerings for the enterprise with their Tesla GPUs with several vendors offering GPU clusters and you can even get a GPU compute cluster on Amazon EC2 now which is all based on nVidia hardware.
正如之前所写,只要您不想购买像 4 个四核处理器这样的多处理器多核系统,CPU 就不是重点。性能差异主要是所使用 GPU 的差异,您可以在这里找到满足所有需求的不同卡。从廉价的 GPU 到 nVidia Tesla 卡。
在AMD系统上运行nVidia板绝对不是问题。我在这里做。您还可以并行使用 AMD 多核 CPU 和 nVidia GPU 中的 OpenCL 设备。
您应该注意:如果您计划购买一个强大的系统来运行您的软件(例如网络服务器),那么每个 OpenCL 软件开发人员都需要一个用于测试的系统。因此,每个开发人员至少需要一个带有 OpenCL SDK 的现代多核 CPU。 OpenCL 内核在哪里开发并不重要。 OpenCL 是独立于平台的。
You want to buy a new computer with your friends? What kind of project do you plan to do? The question about the hardware is answered with the needs you have. If you give some more information, we can provide better suggestions.
As written before, the CPU is not the important point as long as you do not want to buy a multiprocessor multicore system like 4 Quadprocessors. The difference in performance is mostly the differences of the GPUs used and there you can find different cards for all needs. From a cheap GPU to the nVidia Tesla cards.
It is definitely not a problem to run a nVidia board on a AMD system. I do it here. You also can use the OpenCL devices from the AMD Multicore CPU and the nVidia GPU in parallel.
You should pay attention: If you plan to buy a potent system to run your software (like a webserver), every developer of OpenCL software needs a system for testing. So every developer needs at least a modern multi-core CPU with an OpenCL SDK. Where the OpenCL kernels are developed does not matter. OpenCL is platform independed.
Intel 和 AMD 的 CPU 都具有良好的 OpenCL 支持,因此目前选择哪一个并不重要。如果您想在 AMD Fusion 或 Intel SandyBridge 上使用嵌入式 GPU,那么我建议您选择 Fusion,因为 Intel 还没有适用于其 GPU 的驱动程序。根据您要使用 OpenCL 的目的,我可以建议使用 GPU - 有时 NVidia 更快,有时 AMD。
AMP、CUDA、RenderScript 和许多其他的都可以很好地工作,但它们不能像 OpenCL 那样在所有硬件上工作。 CUDA 当然有优势,但是当您学习 openCL 时,我可以向您保证 OpenCL 周围的工具已经迎头赶上。
Both Intel and AMD have good OpenCL-support for their CPUs, so currently it does not really matter which you cooose. If you want to use the embedded GPU on AMD Fusion or Intel SandyBridge, then I suggest you go for Fusion since Intel does not have a driver for their GPUs (yet). Depending on what you are going to use OpenCL for, I could suggest a GPU - sometimes NVidia is faster, sometimes AMD.
AMP, CUDA, RenderScript and the many, many others all work nice but they don't work on all hardware as OpenCL does. CUDA certainly has advantages, but in the time you have learnt openCL I can assure you the tools around OpenCL have catched up.
CPU 对 GPU OpenCL 性能没有影响。
您可能还想尝试在 CPU 上运行 OpenCL 内核。查看英特尔 OpenCL 编译器测试版。您甚至可以在 CPU 和 GPU 上运行内核。
The CPU has no influence on GPU OpenCL performance.
You might also want to try running the OpenCL kernels on CPU. Checkout the Intel OpenCL compiler beta. You can even run kernels on both CPU and GPU.