结构中的 StringBuilder 字段无法正确封送

发布于 2024-11-15 17:21:11 字数 8621 浏览 7 评论 0原文

我已经在 p/invoke 问题上挣扎了一段时间。不断收到“尝试读取或写入受保护的内存”。一直以来,我怀疑我的编组有点不对劲。

这是 c 签名:

long ft_show(                             /* show file-attributes        */
    const struct ft_admission *admis,     /* I: transfer admission       */
    const struct ft_shwpar    *par,       /* IO: parameter-list          */
    struct ft_fileinfo        *info,      /* O: requested information    */
    struct ft_err             *errorinfo, /* O: error information        */
    void                      *options    /* I: options                  */

这是相关的结构(在 c 中)

struct ft_admission
    char    *remsys;
    char    *remadmis;
    char    *remaccount;
    char    *rempasswd;

struct ft_shwpar
    int                shwparvers;
    char               *fn;
    char               *mgmtpasswd;
    char               *fud;
    int                fudlen;

struct ft_fileinfo
    int             ftshowivers;
    char            fn[INFO_FN_LEN];
    enum ft_ftype   filetype;
    enum ft_charset charset;
    enum ft_rform   recordform;
    long            recsize;
    enum ft_available availability;
    int             access;
    char            account[ACC_LEN];
    long            size;
    long            maxsize;
    char            legalqual[LQ_LEN];
    char            cre_user[USER_LEN];
    long            cre_date;
    char            mod_user[USER_LEN];
    long            mod_date;
    char            rea_user[USER_LEN];
    long            rea_date;
    char            atm_user[USER_LEN];
    long            atm_date;
    long long       fsize;
    long long       fmaxsize;

struct ft_err
    long    main;
    long    detail;
    long    additional;

struct ft_options
    int ftoptsvers;
    int ftapivers;

我尝试创建 c# 结构和调用,如下所示:

[DllImport("ftapi.dll", EntryPoint = "ft_showdir")]
private static extern long ft_showdir(ft_admission admis, ref ft_shwpar par, ft_fileinfo[] buf, int bufsize, ref ft_err errorinfo, ft_options options);

    public struct ft_admission
        public String remsys;
        public String remadmis;
        public String remaccount;
        public String rempasswd;
    public struct ft_shwpar
        public int shwparvers;
        public String fn;
        public String mgmtpasswd;
        public IntPtr fud;
        public int fudlen;
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 1464, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi), Serializable]
    public struct ft_fileinfo
        public int ftshowivers;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 257)]
        public String fn;
        public ft_ftype filetype;
        public ft_charset charset;
        public ft_rform recordform;
        public long recsize;
        public ft_available availability;
        public int access;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 65)]
        public String account;
        public long size;
        public long maxsize;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 81)]
        public String legalqual;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 68)]
        public String cre_user;
        public long cre_date;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 68)]
        public String mod_user;
        public long mod_date;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 68)]
        public String rea_user;
        public long rea_date;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 68)]
        public String atm_user;
        public long atm_date;
        public long fsize;
        public long fmaxsize;
    public struct ft_err
        public long main;
        public long detail;
        public long additional;
    public struct ft_options
        public int ftoptsvers;
        public int ftapivers;

我已经在另一个调用中成功使用了 ft_err 和 ft_options 结构,所以我认为这些结构已被封送正确。

我认为问题出在 ft_fileinfo 结构上。我想在那里使用 StringBuilder,但框架中存在一个错误,阻止在结构内部正确封送 StringBuilder。我已尝试过此处描述的解决方法:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/327109 但没有成功。

以下是我尝试访问的 api 文档中提供的代码片段(一些代码已被删除,因为它仅用于将信息打印到屏幕上):

/* sample3.c     File management requests                    */
static const char Sccsid[] = "@(#)sample3.c   2.33 2009/03/25";

  Program call: sample3 <directory>

/*   Include Files                                           */
#include <stdio.h>       /* printf()                         */
#include <stdlib.h>      /* exit()                           */
#include <string.h>      /* strcat(), strcpy()               */
#include <ftapi.h>

/*                Local Constants and Macros                 */
#define BUFSIZE 200      /* number of ft_fileinfo structures */
                         /* in output buffer                 */

/*               Local Functions Declarations                */
static void error_print(struct ft_err *, char *);
static void printinfo(struct ft_fileinfo *info); 

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;                     /* Some local counter         */
    int count;                 /* Number of files            */
    char remotesys[201];       /* Address of remote systems  */
    char remoteadm[68];        /* Transfer admission         */
    char fud[STAT_FUD_LEN];    /* Further details            */
    struct ft_err errorinfo;   /* Error information          */
    struct ft_admission admis; /* Admission parameters       */
    struct ft_shwpar par;      /* Show directory parameters  */
    struct ft_options opt;     /* Options                    */
    struct ft_fileinfo buf[BUFSIZE]; /* Output buffer        */

    /* Check program arguments                               */
    if (argc != 2)
        printf("Call: %s <directory>\n", argv[0]);

    /* Initialize ft_transpar structure                      */
    memset(&par, 0, sizeof(par));
    /* Set version of the parameter list                     */
    par.shwparvers  = FT_SPARV2;
    /* Set the name of the remote directory                  */
    par.fn = argv[1];
    /* Set buffer and buffer length for the further details  */
    par.fud = fud;               
    par.fudlen = sizeof(fud);      
    /* Set version of the ft_fileinfo structure in the       */
    /* output buffer. The version in the first structure     */
    /* is valid for all structtures in the output buffer.    */
    buf[0].ftshowivers = FT_SHOWIV2;

    /* Get the name/address of the remote system and the     */
    /* transfer admission                                    */
    printf("Enter name of remote system: ");
    scanf("%s", remotesys);
    printf("Input transfer admission to remote system: ");
    scanf("%s", remoteadm);
    admis.remsys     = remotesys;
    admis.remadmis   = remoteadm;
    admis.remaccount = NULL;
    admis.rempasswd  = NULL;

    /* Prepare the options structure                         */
    opt.ftoptsvers = FT_OPTSV1;
    opt.ftapivers = FT_APIV2; 

    /* Read the contents of the remote directory             */
    count = ft_showdir(&admis, &par, buf, BUFSIZE, &errorinfo,
    if (count == -1) 
        /* Error                                             */
        error_print(&errorinfo, par.fud); 

    /* Display result of request                             */
    printf("There are %d entries in remote directory %s\n",
           count, argv[1]);

    /* If the output range was not large enough for all      */
    /* the information, only the data in the buffer is       */
    /* displayed                                             */
    if (count > BUFSIZE)
        count = BUFSIZE;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)

有人可以帮助我在 C# 中实现相同的目的吗?甚至解释为什么必须这样,这样我们都可以从中学到一些东西:)


I've struggled with at p/invoke problem for some time now. Keep getting "Attempted to read or write protected memory." all the time, and I suspect my marshaling is a bit off.

Here is the c signature:

long ft_show(                             /* show file-attributes        */
    const struct ft_admission *admis,     /* I: transfer admission       */
    const struct ft_shwpar    *par,       /* IO: parameter-list          */
    struct ft_fileinfo        *info,      /* O: requested information    */
    struct ft_err             *errorinfo, /* O: error information        */
    void                      *options    /* I: options                  */

and here are the related structures (in c)

struct ft_admission
    char    *remsys;
    char    *remadmis;
    char    *remaccount;
    char    *rempasswd;

struct ft_shwpar
    int                shwparvers;
    char               *fn;
    char               *mgmtpasswd;
    char               *fud;
    int                fudlen;

struct ft_fileinfo
    int             ftshowivers;
    char            fn[INFO_FN_LEN];
    enum ft_ftype   filetype;
    enum ft_charset charset;
    enum ft_rform   recordform;
    long            recsize;
    enum ft_available availability;
    int             access;
    char            account[ACC_LEN];
    long            size;
    long            maxsize;
    char            legalqual[LQ_LEN];
    char            cre_user[USER_LEN];
    long            cre_date;
    char            mod_user[USER_LEN];
    long            mod_date;
    char            rea_user[USER_LEN];
    long            rea_date;
    char            atm_user[USER_LEN];
    long            atm_date;
    long long       fsize;
    long long       fmaxsize;

struct ft_err
    long    main;
    long    detail;
    long    additional;

struct ft_options
    int ftoptsvers;
    int ftapivers;

I've tried to create c# structs and calls like this:

[DllImport("ftapi.dll", EntryPoint = "ft_showdir")]
private static extern long ft_showdir(ft_admission admis, ref ft_shwpar par, ft_fileinfo[] buf, int bufsize, ref ft_err errorinfo, ft_options options);

    public struct ft_admission
        public String remsys;
        public String remadmis;
        public String remaccount;
        public String rempasswd;
    public struct ft_shwpar
        public int shwparvers;
        public String fn;
        public String mgmtpasswd;
        public IntPtr fud;
        public int fudlen;
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 1464, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi), Serializable]
    public struct ft_fileinfo
        public int ftshowivers;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 257)]
        public String fn;
        public ft_ftype filetype;
        public ft_charset charset;
        public ft_rform recordform;
        public long recsize;
        public ft_available availability;
        public int access;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 65)]
        public String account;
        public long size;
        public long maxsize;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 81)]
        public String legalqual;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 68)]
        public String cre_user;
        public long cre_date;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 68)]
        public String mod_user;
        public long mod_date;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 68)]
        public String rea_user;
        public long rea_date;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 68)]
        public String atm_user;
        public long atm_date;
        public long fsize;
        public long fmaxsize;
    public struct ft_err
        public long main;
        public long detail;
        public long additional;
    public struct ft_options
        public int ftoptsvers;
        public int ftapivers;

I've already used the ft_err and ft_options structs successfully in another call, so I think those are marshaled correctly.

I think the problem is the ft_fileinfo structure. I want to use StringBuilder in there, but there is a bug in the framework preventing correct marshaling of StringBuilder inside structs. I've tried the workarounds described here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/327109
but no success.

Here's the code snippet provided in the documentation of the api I try to access (some code has been removed as it's only used for printing info to the screen):

/* sample3.c     File management requests                    */
static const char Sccsid[] = "@(#)sample3.c   2.33 2009/03/25";

  Program call: sample3 <directory>

/*   Include Files                                           */
#include <stdio.h>       /* printf()                         */
#include <stdlib.h>      /* exit()                           */
#include <string.h>      /* strcat(), strcpy()               */
#include <ftapi.h>

/*                Local Constants and Macros                 */
#define BUFSIZE 200      /* number of ft_fileinfo structures */
                         /* in output buffer                 */

/*               Local Functions Declarations                */
static void error_print(struct ft_err *, char *);
static void printinfo(struct ft_fileinfo *info); 

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;                     /* Some local counter         */
    int count;                 /* Number of files            */
    char remotesys[201];       /* Address of remote systems  */
    char remoteadm[68];        /* Transfer admission         */
    char fud[STAT_FUD_LEN];    /* Further details            */
    struct ft_err errorinfo;   /* Error information          */
    struct ft_admission admis; /* Admission parameters       */
    struct ft_shwpar par;      /* Show directory parameters  */
    struct ft_options opt;     /* Options                    */
    struct ft_fileinfo buf[BUFSIZE]; /* Output buffer        */

    /* Check program arguments                               */
    if (argc != 2)
        printf("Call: %s <directory>\n", argv[0]);

    /* Initialize ft_transpar structure                      */
    memset(&par, 0, sizeof(par));
    /* Set version of the parameter list                     */
    par.shwparvers  = FT_SPARV2;
    /* Set the name of the remote directory                  */
    par.fn = argv[1];
    /* Set buffer and buffer length for the further details  */
    par.fud = fud;               
    par.fudlen = sizeof(fud);      
    /* Set version of the ft_fileinfo structure in the       */
    /* output buffer. The version in the first structure     */
    /* is valid for all structtures in the output buffer.    */
    buf[0].ftshowivers = FT_SHOWIV2;

    /* Get the name/address of the remote system and the     */
    /* transfer admission                                    */
    printf("Enter name of remote system: ");
    scanf("%s", remotesys);
    printf("Input transfer admission to remote system: ");
    scanf("%s", remoteadm);
    admis.remsys     = remotesys;
    admis.remadmis   = remoteadm;
    admis.remaccount = NULL;
    admis.rempasswd  = NULL;

    /* Prepare the options structure                         */
    opt.ftoptsvers = FT_OPTSV1;
    opt.ftapivers = FT_APIV2; 

    /* Read the contents of the remote directory             */
    count = ft_showdir(&admis, &par, buf, BUFSIZE, &errorinfo,
    if (count == -1) 
        /* Error                                             */
        error_print(&errorinfo, par.fud); 

    /* Display result of request                             */
    printf("There are %d entries in remote directory %s\n",
           count, argv[1]);

    /* If the output range was not large enough for all      */
    /* the information, only the data in the buffer is       */
    /* displayed                                             */
    if (count > BUFSIZE)
        count = BUFSIZE;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)

Can someone help me achieve the same in C#? And even explain why it have to be that way, so we all can learn something from this :)


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北恋 2024-11-22 17:21:11

我看到的第一个问题是您在 C# 结构声明中使用了 long 类型。将其替换为 int - C# long 具有 64 位长度,Win32 C 中的 long 与 int - 32 位长度相同。

关于 ft_fileinfo *info 参数:对于默认编组器无法处理的每个重要参数,请使用低级 Marshal 类函数。函数需要 info 来指向大小为 sizeof(fileinfo) * bufsize 的非托管内存块。将此参数定义为 IntPtr:

[DllImport("ftapi.dll", EntryPoint = "ft_showdir")]
private static extern long ft_showdir(ft_admission admis, ref ft_shwpar par, IntPtr buf, int bufsize, ref ft_err errorinfo, ft_options options);


IntPtr f = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.Sizeof(typeof(ft_fileinfo)) * bufsize);

将此参数传递给非托管函数。函数返回后,使用 Marshal.PtrToStructure 方法读取 fileinfo 结构 bufsize 次,将 IntPtr 递增 SizeOf(ft_fileinfo)。不要忘记使用 Marshal.FreeHGlobal 释放非托管内存块。

您可以看到,Marshal 类允许在 C 语言级别编写互操作代码。

The first problem I see that you use long type in C# structure declarations. Replace it with int - C# long has 64 bit length, and long in Win32 C has the same size as int - 32 bit.

Regarding ft_fileinfo *info parameter: for every non-trivial parameter which cannot be handled by default marshaller, use low level Marshal class functions. Function requires info to point to unmanaged memory block with size sizeof(fileinfo) * bufsize. Define this parameter as IntPtr:

[DllImport("ftapi.dll", EntryPoint = "ft_showdir")]
private static extern long ft_showdir(ft_admission admis, ref ft_shwpar par, IntPtr buf, int bufsize, ref ft_err errorinfo, ft_options options);

Allocate unmanaged memory block:

IntPtr f = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.Sizeof(typeof(ft_fileinfo)) * bufsize);

Pass this parameter to unmanaged function. After function returns, read fileinfo structures using Marshal.PtrToStructure Method bufsize times, incrementing IntPtr by SizeOf(ft_fileinfo). Don't forget to release unmanaged memory block using Marshal.FreeHGlobal.

You can see, Marshal class allows to write interoperability code on C language level.

画中仙 2024-11-22 17:21:11

您的 DllImport 属性中的 ft_fileinfo 之前似乎缺少 ref。我通过以下删减重现了您的问题。在 C++ 中定义入口点:

    // OneEntryPoint.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C"
    struct AStruct
        char     fn[11];

    __declspec(dllexport) void AnEntry(AStruct* someStruct) 
        printf("A character %c", someStruct->fn[255]); 

在 C# 中重现调用:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ConsoleApplication2

    public struct AStruct
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 255)]
        public string fn; 

    class Program
        [DllImport("OneEntryPoint", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
         static extern void AnEntry(AStruct somestruct); 

        static void Main(string[] args)
                AStruct fred;
                fred.fn = "hello world";
            catch (Exception e)

运行此命令,您将收到 AccessViolationException(尝试读\写受保护的内存)。将引用放入,结构已正确编组并且没有错误。

It looks like you are missing a ref before ft_fileinfo in your DllImport attribute. I reproduced your issue with the following cutdown. In C++ to define the entry point:

    // OneEntryPoint.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C"
    struct AStruct
        char     fn[11];

    __declspec(dllexport) void AnEntry(AStruct* someStruct) 
        printf("A character %c", someStruct->fn[255]); 

and in C# to reproduce the call:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ConsoleApplication2

    public struct AStruct
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 255)]
        public string fn; 

    class Program
        [DllImport("OneEntryPoint", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
         static extern void AnEntry(AStruct somestruct); 

        static void Main(string[] args)
                AStruct fred;
                fred.fn = "hello world";
            catch (Exception e)

Run this and you get an AccessViolationException (attempt to read\write protected memory). Put the ref in and the struct is correctly marshalled and there are no errors.

风蛊 2024-11-22 17:21:11


当查看函数的 c 声明时,我们可以看到所有参数都是通过引用或通过指针发送的。所以我只是更改了 pinvoke 声明,以便所有参数都在 ref 处。

[DllImport("ftapi.dll", EntryPoint = "ft_showdir", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern Int32 ft_showdir(ref ft_admission admis, ref ft_shwpar par, ref ft_fileinfo[] buf, int bufsize, ref ft_err errorinfo, ref ft_options options);

Ok, I figured it out.

When looking at the c declaration of the function we can see that all of the parameters are sent in by reference or via pointers. So I just altered the pinvoke declaration so that all parameters where ref.

[DllImport("ftapi.dll", EntryPoint = "ft_showdir", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern Int32 ft_showdir(ref ft_admission admis, ref ft_shwpar par, ref ft_fileinfo[] buf, int bufsize, ref ft_err errorinfo, ref ft_options options);
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