在 64 位和 32 位系统上运行程序
在 64 位系统上完美运行的 C++ 程序在 32 位系统上崩溃有什么原因吗?我有一个程序在两台服务器上测试。一个是 64 位,另一个是 32 位。该程序没有特定的命令。最初它在两者中都起作用,直到我做了一个改变并添加了一个结构并调用它。当第一次调用这个结构体对象时,程序崩溃了。但是如果我在崩溃之前打印 1 行元素的值,这些值就在那里。顺便说一句,我的意思是整数,没有指针或其他有趣的东西。 我尝试将这些整数启动为 uint32_t 和此类实验。但却遇到了死胡同。
struct info {
int id1, id2;
string test;
map<string, info> allInfo
vector<string> temp;
/* temp populated */
info details = {atoi(temp[0].c_str()),atoi(temp[2].c_str()),temp[3].c_str()};
allInfo[temp[1].c_str()] = details;
/*somewhere after this it is accessed */
map<string, info>::iterator i;
/* printing the values here seems ok.. */
cout << (*i).second.id1 << endl << (*i).second.id2 << endl;
string first_id = "idOne : " + (*i).second.id1;
string second_id = "idTwo: " + (*i).second.id2;
Is there any reason why a c++ program that runs perfectly on a 64 bit system crashes on a 32 bit system? I have a program tested on 2 servers. one a 64bit and other 32bit. The program doesnt have bit specific commands. Initially it was working in both until i made a chage and added a structure and called it. The program crashed when this structure object was called for the first time. But if i print the value of the elements 1 line before the crash it, the values are there. Btw, the by value i mean integers and no pointers or other funny stuff.
I tried initiating these integers as uint32_t and such experiments. But to meet a dead end.
the structure is like this
struct info {
int id1, id2;
string test;
map<string, info> allInfo
vector<string> temp;
/* temp populated */
info details = {atoi(temp[0].c_str()),atoi(temp[2].c_str()),temp[3].c_str()};
allInfo[temp[1].c_str()] = details;
/*somewhere after this it is accessed */
map<string, info>::iterator i;
/* printing the values here seems ok.. */
cout << (*i).second.id1 << endl << (*i).second.id2 << endl;
string first_id = "idOne : " + (*i).second.id1;
string second_id = "idTwo: " + (*i).second.id2;
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选项 1:说服拥有服务器管理员权限的人安装
。选项 2:在各处添加 print 语句,以准确找出在此处发布的段错误发生在哪一行(或者尝试自行找出)。
There's multiple things that could go wrong, and without a debugger it's going to be a nightmare to find out.
Option 1: Convince whoever has admin rights to the server to install
.Option 2: Add print statements everywhere to figure out exactly which line the segfault occurs on a post it here (or try and figure it out from that on your own).
A simple reason would be Undefined Behavior.
只是一个猜测。你是否在 64 位机器上编译了它?
可能有一些操作码在 32 位机器上不可用。
Just a guess. Did you compile it on/for 64bit machines?
It may be that there is some opcode in there that is not available in 32bit machines.
因此,没有强制转换,没有动态分配,并且在 32 位构建中会崩溃,而在 64 位构建中则不会。我的第一个猜测是访问其范围之外的数组。
So no cast, no dynamic allocation and a crash in 32 bit build and not in 64 bit build. My first guess would be accessing an array outside their range.
you're adding integers to char-arrays in:
may be you're test-sets differs and on the non-throwing system you accidently get a valid address to assign to the string variable.