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Closed 3 years ago.
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Michael Feathers 所著的《有效处理遗留代码》一书可能比我们在此告诉您的任何内容都更能帮助您。
The book "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" by Michael Feathers will probably help you more than anything we can tell you here.
However, the most important thing you need to clarify for yourself (and from your question it sounds like it's not completely clear) is this: what is your goal? What do you want to achieve with this codebase?
If the answer is (as it sounds) "being able to effectively maintain the existing project", then trying to directly build a complete high-level model of the system may not be the most effective path. It's probably just too much at once to keep in mind.
In this case, I would try to understand only the use cases of the system that you currently need to modify; follow method calls through the code (pssibly using a debugger on the running system) to see what parts are involved. Do this for a few different use cases and you'll start to see patterns, then document those and gradually fit them together into a high-level image of the system.
This tool might assist you.
Or if the legacy system is written poorly it could just make a huge unreadable mess, but I hope it helps.
If it is a java code then a deep reverse engineering would be very helpful.
See a documentation at: http://www.ejb3.org/jar_file_reverse/jar_file_reverse.html