我是一名应届毕业生,想了解构建 IDE 时要采取的概念和实际步骤。
I thoroughly read this question, and then the idea of building an IDE struck me.
I am a fresh graduate, and would like to know the conceptual as well as actual steps to be taken when building an IDE.
I have had no homework before posting this question, but I am sure I will be able o get an efficient answer here.
首先,您应该查看现有的 IDE 及其功能。要获得一个最低限度的工作 IDE,它应该具有:
您可能想要获取一个开源文本编辑器(http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/ Five-apps/ Five-free-or-open-source-text-editors-for-developers/1031)并集成现有的构建系统(例如 CMake、Makefile 等)来提供 IDE 的工作版本。
To get started you should look at existing IDEs and their features. To get a bare minimum working IDE, it should have:
You might want to get an open-source text editor (http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/five-apps/five-free-or-open-source-text-editors-for-developers/1031) and integrate an existing build system (e.g. CMake, Makefile etc.) to come up with a working version of your IDE.
You may also like to provide a console window so that programmer can execute commands etc.
除了上面的人所说的之外,实时语法高亮将是另一个基本功能。根据在 IDE 中查看的文件类型,设置不同的语法突出显示集(例如,XML 文件语法突出显示与 .cs 文件语法突出显示不同,等等)。
In addition to what the above people said, real-time syntax highlighting would be another basic feature. Based on what type of file is being viewed in the IDE, have different sets of syntax highlighting (e.g. XML file syntax highlighting would be different from .cs file syntax highlighting, etc.).