我想为我的 Nexus S 制作一款像此处所述的手电筒应用程序因为 Android Market 中提供的所有内容都需要不必要的权限。如果我以 100% 为闪光灯 LED 供电,此类应用损坏硬件(LED、稳压器等)的可能性有多大?我应该使用 50% 占空比(或其他占空比)还是相信硬件设计?
I'd like to make a flashlight app like the one described here for my Nexus S since all of the ones available in the Android Market require unnecessary permissions. What are the chances that this type of application can damage the hardware (led, v regulator, etc.) if I power the flash led at 100%? Should I use a 50% duty cycle (or other duty cycle) or trust the HW design?
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无论如何,我一直将 droid X 上的摄像头 LED 用作手电筒。我没有看到任何退化。当然,我只服用了 6 个月,但是……看起来很安全。
不过我通常一次使用它的时间不会超过 15 分钟。
For what it's worth, I use the camera LED on my droid X all the fricken time as a flashlight. I haven't seen any degradation. Granted I've only had it for 6 months, but.... seems safe.
I normally dont use it for more than 15 mins at a time though.
Take that all with a grain of salt.