This my current static code:
type complex_vector is record
Re : signed(15 downto 0);
Im : signed(15 downto 0);
end record;
type complex_vector (Generic: Integer := WIDTH) is record
Re : signed(WIDTH downto 0);
Im : signed(WIDTH downto 0);
end record;
type blaaa is array (NATURAL range <>) of STD_LOGIC;
type complex_primitives is (re, im);
type complex_vector is array (re to im) of signed(natural range <>);
I am trying to define a complex type (i.e, a type that consists of both a real and imaginary part) and am trying to find out a way to make it generic.
This my current static code:
type complex_vector is record
Re : signed(15 downto 0);
Im : signed(15 downto 0);
end record;
Now I wonder whether there is a way to make this generic, in in other word something like:
type complex_vector (Generic: Integer := WIDTH) is record
Re : signed(WIDTH downto 0);
Im : signed(WIDTH downto 0);
end record;
I tried to google for a solution as well as going through my books, but I cannot find any solution. Is there really none? Without records it is possible to wright something like this:
type blaaa is array (NATURAL range <>) of STD_LOGIC;
Thanks for any input
Or could I do something like the following?
type complex_primitives is (re, im);
type complex_vector is array (re to im) of signed(natural range <>);
The compiler complains though..
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以下是 VHDL-2008 中的合法语法:
重要说明 此示例使用具有无约束数组的记录。目前对 VHDL-2008 的支持还很不稳定。一些工具支持许多 VHDL-2008 功能,但许多工具尚未完全支持所有新功能。
要了解 VHDL-2008 和新功能,请参阅此演示文稿,这是一个很好的总结关于这个问题。
The following is legal syntax in VHDL-2008:
IMPORTANT NOTE This example makes use of records with unconstrained arrays. Support for VHDL-2008 at this point is hit-and-miss. Some tools support many of VHDL-2008 features, but many do not yet fully support all new features.
To read about VHDL-2008 and the new features, see this presentation which is a good summary on the subject.
在支持 VHDL-2008 之前(不要屏住呼吸!),有一个次优的忽悠...
向工具链中的每个供应商提出有关您的用例的支持/增强请求将很有用。被窃听的越多,VHDL-2008 就会越早得到支持。
Until VHDL-2008 is supported (don't hold your breath!) there are is a sub-optimal fudge...
Create the different sized records you want in multiple packages of the same name and then optionally compile in the package defining the width you want to use.
The severe limitation of this method is that you can only support a single form of complex_vector in the design, but on the plus side you don't have to worry about tool support!
It would be useful to raise a support/enhancement request with every vendor in your toolchain regarding your use case. The more they get bugged the sooner VHDL-2008 will be supported.