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Closed 11 years ago.
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关于在 Tomcat 中部署服务的 odata4j 文档看起来不错:。 com/p/odata4j/wiki/Tomcat
另请参阅类似问题的答案:如何通过 Java 与 OData 交互?。该问题涵盖了 Java 中的 odata 客户端,但有几个链接是相关的。
The odata4j docs about deploying a service in Tomcat look decent:
Also see answers to a similar question: How do I interact with OData from Java?. That question covers odata clients in Java, but several of the links are relevant.
如果您想了解如何从客户端访问和使用 Odata,您可以尝试查看本教程:。
它展示了如何采用现有的 WCF 服务并自动生成以下类文件以供您在应用程序中使用。但是,这个示例专门针对 Android 并使用 Restlet 库,但希望这可以让您了解如何访问/使用它。
If you want to get an idea of how to access and work with Odata from a client side you could try taking a look at this tutorial:
It shows how to take an existing WCF service and auto generate the following class files for you to use within your applications. However, this example is specifically for Android and uses the Restlet library, but hopefully this can give you an idea as to how to access / use it.