iPad 企业分发选项
我们有一个 iPad 应用程序想要在内部分发。我们正在研究“企业分销”。我收到的一组要求包括分发方法是用户从 iPad 访问安全网站,登录并下载应用程序。然后该应用程序就可以为他们服务。
无法访问该网站的用户不应访问该应用程序。我们可以通过强制他们登录来轻松阻止他们下载应用程序。但是,对我来说,在他们下载应用程序(通过 .ipa 文件?)后,他们不能直接将其提供给其他人,这一点并不明显,这是不允许的。
创建企业分发配置文件后,下载 .mobileprovision 文件,然后安全地分发它和您的应用程序。
- 是否可以将 ipa 文件从一个 iPad 复制到另一个 iPad,从而允许任何人使用任何给定的应用程序? (假设应用程序上没有其他保护)
- 如果 1 的答案是肯定的,是否有理由相信 .mobileprovision 文件会对我有所帮助?
We have an iPad app that we would like to distribute internally. We're looking into "Enterprise Distribution". The set of requirements I have been given include that the method for distribution is to be that a user goes to a secure website from an iPad, logs in, and downloads the app. The app then works for them.
Users who do not have access to the website should not have access to the application. We can easily prevent them from downloading the app by forcing them to log in. However, it is not obvious to me that after they download the app (via an .ipa file?), that they couldn't just give it to someone else, something that is not allowed.
It looks like a way around this is to have Distribution Provision Profiles, which determine whether a given app will run on the device. However, it's not obvious to me that those couldn't just be copied as well.
Once you create the enterprise distribution provisioning profile, download the
.mobileprovision file, and then securely distribute it and your application.
Sadly, I don't know enough to know exactly what I should be asking, but here goes:
- Can ipa files just be copied from one Ipad to another, allowing anyone to use any given app? (assuming there is no other protection on the app)
- If the answer to 1 is yes, is there any reason to believe that .mobileprovision files will help me?
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每个设备都有一个 UDID,即唯一标识符。这就是 Apple 对个人开发者强制执行 100 台开发设备规则的方式。您可以在下载过程中收集 UDID,并向注册用户发布配置文件。
是的,理论上,无需 DRM 或配置,ipa 可以同步到 iTunes(或使用第三方工具手动复制),然后移动到另一个 dewvice。
文件中包含 UDID,这些 UDID 对于给定设备来说几乎是唯一的。 (例外可能出现在越狱设备上,如果我没记错的话,编辑:
这并不能阻止用户将应用程序分发给其他人,但这是您拥有的最好的应用程序。理论上,您还可以要求用户使用与注册 UDID 相同的电子邮件在应用内登录。
Every device has a UDID, a unique identifier. This is how Apple enforces the 100 development devices rule for individual developers. You collect UDIDs as part of the download process, issuing the provisioning profiles to registered users.
To answer your questions:
Yes, theoretically, without DRM or provisioning, an ipa can be synced to iTunes (or manually copied with third party tools) and then moved to another dewvice.
files include UDIDs in them which are pretty much unique to a given device. (The exception may be on jailbroken devices, which, if I recall correctly, can spoof a UDID.)EDIT:
Just to clarify, in response to your requirements:
I would add a middle step.
This does not stop the user from giving out the app to others, but it's the best you've got. You can also require the user to log in inside the app, with the same email as the one used to register the UDID, theoretically.
现在是 2012 年 7 月。Apple 关于如何创建和分发 Ad-Hoc iOS 应用程序的文档仍然停留在 iOS 3 上,过于复杂、令人不知所措,而且经常是错误的。
凭借开发者企业计划许可证(以及相当多的耐心),您可以创建一个 .ipa 文件,并将其粘贴在您的网站上。
然后,您的用户可以在 iPad 的 Safari 上导航到此网页,单击下载链接以下载您的应用程序并将其安装到他们的设备上。无需 iTunes。
您的应用程序将需要(除其他外)使用您在Apple开发者网站上创建的分发证书进行签名,但我的观点是,一旦您跳过了所有这些记录不良的环节,您可以只需将 .ipa 和 .plist 文件粘贴到网页上,任何用户都可以使用它来安装您的应用程序。
即使是您的格拉迪斯阿姨,她住在 200 英里外,不为您的公司工作。
请注意,如果 Apple 发现您将应用程序分发给不在您公司工作的任何人,他们将吊销您的许可证。
It's now July 2012. Apple's documentation on how to create and distribute an Ad-Hoc iOS application remains stuck at iOS 3, is over-complicated, overwhelming, and often wrong.
With an Developer Enterprise Program license (and a fair bit of patience), you can create an .ipa file, which you can stick on your website.
Your users can then navigate to this webpage on their iPad's Safari, click on a download link to download and install your app onto their device. No iTunes required.
Your app will need (amongst other things) to be signed with a distribution certificate, which you create on the Apple Developer website, but my point is that once you have jumped through all of these badly documented hoops, you can just stick an .ipa and .plist file on a webpage, and ANY user can install your app with it.
Even your Aunt Gladis, who lives 200 miles away and doesn't work for your company.
Mind you, if Apple finds out that you have distributed your app to anyone who doesn't work in your company, they will pull your license.
获取企业帐户需要做很多工作。 Apple 会需要您的 DUNS 以及可能的其他证明,证明您的身份(以及您是一家企业)。
Getting the Enterprise Account takes a lot of work. Apple will want your DUNS and possibly other proof that you're who you say you are (and that you're an enterprise).
Going the other route (individual developer) will allow you to post your app (make it free so your users will not have to pay!) in the store. Your app can require an account on your local service that no one outside your company will be able to acquire, which will prevent people outside the company from using it. The risk here is that Apple will reject your app for this reason.