对多种产品使用一个 Google Checkout 按钮
我想知道使用 Google Checkout 的人是否找到了一种方法,可以使用一个“添加到购物车”按钮来添加多个具有不同标题和价格的商品。
简而言之,我想要做的是,在一个已经安装了非定制 Google Checkout 系统的网站上,创建一个页面,允许客户选择产品和这些产品所需的配件,获取报价,然后单击只需一个按钮即可将所有选择添加到 Google 购物车。
I'm wondering if anyone using Google Checkout has found a way to use one 'Add to Cart' button to add multiple items with different titles and prices.
In short, what I'm looking to do is, on a website with a non-customized Google Checkout system already in place, create a single page that allows customers to select products and required accessories for those products, get a quote, and click a single button to add all of their selections to the Google Cart.
Is there any way I can do this without completely replacing the existing cart system with an integrated self-built cart?
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应该可以使用 Checkout 购物车 JS API:
http://sites.google.com /site/checkouthoppingcart/javascript-api
例如,使用“添加到购物车”按钮触发的 JavaScript 挂钩之一。在回调中,使用新的商品和数量更新购物车。
It should be possible using the Checkout shopping cart JS API:
For example use one of the JavaScript hooks triggered by the Add to Cart button. On the callback, update the cart with the new items and quantities.