Data.ByteString 中的findSubstrings 和breakSubstring
在 Data/ByteString.hs
的源代码中,它表示函数 findSubstrings
已被弃用,取而代之的是 breakSubstring
。不过,我认为使用 KMP 算法实现的 findSubstrings 比 BreakSubstring 中使用的算法要高效得多,后者是一种简单的算法。有人知道为什么这样做吗?
{-# DEPRECATED findSubstrings "findSubstrings is deprecated in favour of breakSubstring." #-}
{- This function uses the Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching algorithm. -}
findSubstrings pat@(PS _ _ m) str@(PS _ _ n) = search 0 0
patc x = pat `unsafeIndex` x
strc x = str `unsafeIndex` x
-- maybe we should make kmpNext a UArray before using it in search?
kmpNext = listArray (0,m) (-1:kmpNextL pat (-1))
kmpNextL p _ | null p = []
kmpNextL p j = let j' = next (unsafeHead p) j + 1
ps = unsafeTail p
x = if not (null ps) && unsafeHead ps == patc j'
then kmpNext Array.! j' else j'
in x:kmpNextL ps j'
search i j = match ++ rest -- i: position in string, j: position in pattern
where match = if j == m then [(i - j)] else []
rest = if i == n then [] else search (i+1) (next (strc i) j + 1)
next c j | j >= 0 && (j == m || c /= patc j) = next c (kmpNext Array.! j)
| otherwise = j
findSubstrings :: ByteString -- ^ String to search for.
-> ByteString -- ^ String to seach in.
-> [Int]
findSubstrings pat str
| null pat = [0 .. length str]
| otherwise = search 0 str
search n s
| null s = []
| pat `isPrefixOf` s = n : search (n+1) (unsafeTail s)
| otherwise = search (n+1) (unsafeTail s)
In the source of Data/ByteString.hs
it says that the function findSubstrings
has been deprecated in favor of breakSubstring
. However I think the findSubstrings
which was implemented using the KMP algorithm is much more efficient than the algorithm used in breakSubstring
which is a naive one. Anybody has any idea why this has been done ?
Here's the old implementation:
{-# DEPRECATED findSubstrings "findSubstrings is deprecated in favour of breakSubstring." #-}
{- This function uses the Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching algorithm. -}
findSubstrings pat@(PS _ _ m) str@(PS _ _ n) = search 0 0
patc x = pat `unsafeIndex` x
strc x = str `unsafeIndex` x
-- maybe we should make kmpNext a UArray before using it in search?
kmpNext = listArray (0,m) (-1:kmpNextL pat (-1))
kmpNextL p _ | null p = []
kmpNextL p j = let j' = next (unsafeHead p) j + 1
ps = unsafeTail p
x = if not (null ps) && unsafeHead ps == patc j'
then kmpNext Array.! j' else j'
in x:kmpNextL ps j'
search i j = match ++ rest -- i: position in string, j: position in pattern
where match = if j == m then [(i - j)] else []
rest = if i == n then [] else search (i+1) (next (strc i) j + 1)
next c j | j >= 0 && (j == m || c /= patc j) = next c (kmpNext Array.! j)
| otherwise = j
And here's the new naive one:
findSubstrings :: ByteString -- ^ String to search for.
-> ByteString -- ^ String to seach in.
-> [Int]
findSubstrings pat str
| null pat = [0 .. length str]
| otherwise = search 0 str
search n s
| null s = []
| pat `isPrefixOf` s = n : search (n+1) (unsafeTail s)
| otherwise = search (n+1) (unsafeTail s)
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更改的原因是 KMP 的实现实际上比 naive 版本效率更低,naive 版本是着眼于性能实现的。
The reason for the change was that the implementation of KMP was actually more inefficient than the naive version, which is implemented with an eye on performance.