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我不了解 Doxygen,所以这个答案纯粹是我的文档方法。
“函数 Y 与函数 X 类似。函数 Y 接受参数 abc 和[将其工作方式的不同方式放在这里]...
I don't know Doxygen, so this answer is purely on my documentation approach.
When I document in a situation like where two topics are nearly identical, I either repeat the shared information in both (preferred) or I write something similar to the following:
"Function Y is similar to function X. Function Y takes the arguments abc and [put how it works differently here]...
For more information on these functions, see ."
In this case I'd document the simpler one and add the additional info to the more complex one.
A third way is to break out the common doc from both, if that's possible.
使用 \sa(请参阅另外)链接到相关变量、方法或类的关键字。这是与 \see tag 等效的命令。
From This Page:
Use the \sa (See Also) keyword to link to related variables, methods, or classes. This is the equivalent command to \see tag.