具有数据表绑定的 Infragistics ultragrid
我有一个绑定到数据表的ultragrid,我在线程(不是gui线程)中更新数据表。我的问题是,在更新数据表时,我是否需要将其委托给 gui 线程(以便网格上的更新发生在 gui 线程中),或者我可以简单地更新任何线程中的数据表,并且 infragistics 网格负责在正确的线程中更新自身?
I have a ultragrid which is bound to a datatable, i update datatable in a thread (not a gui thread). My question is that while updating datatable do I need to delegate it on gui thread (so that update on grid happens in gui thread) or I can simply update datatable in any thread and infragistics grid takes care of updating itself in correct thread?
I couldn't find answer to simple question in infragistics online help or docs.
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您需要在 UI 线程上更新数据源。 Infragistics 论坛上也有一些类似的讨论,例如:one, 两个,三个。
You need to update the data source on the UI thread. There are some similar discussions on the Infragistics forums, for example: one, two, three.
我发现执行此操作的最佳方法是使用synchronizationContext 对象将.add 调用发布到GUI 线程。
End Sub, Nothing)
当类在不同的线程上运行并且工作正常时。如果没有这个,你偶尔会得到恼人的红色 X
best way i found to do this was to use a synchronizationContext object to post the .add call to the GUI thread.
in my situation i have classes with a property of type synchronizationContext that i set to SynchronizationContext.Current when the class is initialized. then i can call something like:
End Sub, Nothing)
when the class is running on a different thread and it works fine. without this you will get the annoying red X occasionally