对 QuickBASIC 3.0 程序进行逆向工程
我有一个用 QuickBASIC 3.0 编写的程序(我拥有权利),尽管我不再有源代码。 有人知道我可以用一个反编译器来查看程序的功能吗?
I have a program (I own the rights) written in QuickBASIC 3.0, though I do not have anymore the source code.
Anyone know a decompiler that I can use to see what the program does?
Basically it gets some numbers in input and it performs some calculation, showing some results. Nothing too complicated.
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如果您没有任何逆向 DOS 程序的经验,我不建议您自行尝试。 QuickBASIC 3.0 似乎被编译成某种 p 代码。我从未见过任何关于 DOS 时代的 p 代码的研究,但它可能与最终在 Visual Basic 6.0 中使用的 p 代码有某种关系,并且该代码已经被研究了很多。
如果您依稀记得这个想法但不记得细节(例如公式中系数的实际值),您可以尝试的一件事是输入一些数字,读取结果并将其保存在 Excel 工作表中。重复几次并尝试绘制数据。不多,但可能有帮助。
I haven't seen any publicly available tools but there's a page from a guy who claims to have made one. You could try contacting him.
I wouldn't recommend trying it on your own if you don't have any experience in reversing DOS programs. It seems QuickBASIC 3.0 was compiled into some kind of p-code. I've never seen any research on the DOS-era p-code, but it might bear some relation to the one eventually used in Visual Basic 6.0, and that one has been investigated quite a lot.
If you vaguely remember the idea but don't remember the details (e.g. actual values of coefficients in the formula), one thing you could try is to enter some numbers, read the results, and save them in an Excel sheet. Repeat that a couple of times and try to plot the data. Not much, but might help.
使用 Borland C++ 3.1 的调试器,但您将需要汇编程序知识......
Use the debugger of Borland C++ 3.1, but you are going to need knowledge of assembler...