NetBeans 开发 7 - Windows 7 64 位JNI 原生调用...如何引导
作为我在 Windows 64 位工作站上了解 NB Development v7 的经验的一部分,我在尝试提高 JNI(Java 本机接口)功能并在我的项目中工作时发现了另一个令人沮丧的冒险。因此,我包含了所需步骤的简短摘要(因为我发现的所有文档对于这些版本的 Windows 和 NetBeans 来说如何执行 JNI 都是完全错误的)。我花了几天的时间进行实验并审查我能找到的包含这些技术作为关键字搜索的每个网页。哎呀!!不好玩。
首先,由于 NetBeans 开发“都是关于模块的”,如果您正在阅读本文,您可能需要一个或多个模块来执行 JNI 调用。本网站或 Internet 上提供的大多数内容(更不用说 NB7 中的帮助文件)对于这些版本来说要么完全错误,要么过于稀疏,以至于对 JNI 专家以外的任何人来说基本上没有用处。
这就是您正在寻找的...“切入正题”-“如何指导”来调用 JNI 并在您的 NB7 / Windows 64 位机器上工作。
1) 在 NetBeans 模块(而不是主机应用程序)中声明您的本机方法,并确保您可以毫无错误地编译 Java 源代码。
package org.mycompanyname.nativelogic;
public class NativeInterfaceTest
if (System.getProperty( "os.arch" ).toLowerCase().equals( "amd64" ) )
System.loadLibrary( <64-bit_folder_name_on_file_system>/<file_name.dll> );
System.loadLibrary( <32-bit_folder_name_on_file_system>/<file_name.dll> );
catch (SecurityException se) {}
catch (UnsatisfieldLinkError ule) {}
catch (NullPointerException npe) {}
public NativeInterfaceTest() {}
native String echoString(String s);
请注意,我们仅加载程序集一次(因为它位于静态块中),否则如果尝试再次加载它,您将抛出异常。另请注意我们的单个(在本例中)名为“echoString”的本机方法。这是我们的 C/C++ 应用程序将要实现的方法,然后通过 JNI 的 majic,我们将从 Java 代码中调用。
2) 如果使用 64 位版本的 Windows(我们在这里),我们需要打开 64 位 Visual Studio 命令提示符(相对于标准 32 位版本),并执行“vcvarsall”BAT 文件以及“amd64”命令行参数,用于设置 64 位工具的环境。
<path_to_Microsoft_Visual_Studio_10.0>/VC/vcvarsall.bat amd64
请注意,您可以使用 Microsoft 提供的任何版本的 C/C++ 编译器。我碰巧在我的机器上安装了 Visual Studio 2005、2008 和 2010,因此我选择使用“v10.0”,但任何支持 64 位开发的都可以正常工作。这里的另一个重要方面是“amd64”参数。
3) 在命令提示符中更改计算机上的 drivers\ 目录,以便位于包含本机方法声明的文件系统上完全限定类位置的根目录。
例子: 我的本机声明方法的完全限定类名称是“org.mycompanyname.nativelogic.NativeInterfaceTest”。当我们在上面的步骤 1 中成功编译 Java 时,我们应该发现它包含在 NetBeans 模块中,类似于以下内容:
4) 在此步骤中,我们将创建包含 JNI 所需语句的 C/C++ 头文件。在命令提示符中键入以下内容:
javah -jni org.mycompanyname.nativelogic.NativeInterfaceTest
并按 Enter 键。如果您收到任何类型的错误,表明这是一个无法识别的命令,则仅意味着您的 Windows 计算机不知道该命令的路径(它位于您的 /bin 文件夹中)。从那里运行命令,或者在调用此应用程序时包含完全限定的路径名,或者设置计算机的 PATH 环境变量以在其搜索中包含该路径。
这应该生成一个名为“org_mycompanyname_nativelogic_NativeInterfaceTest.h”的文件...一个 C 头文件。我会复制一份,以防您以后需要备份。
5) 编辑 NativeInterfaceTest.h 头文件并包含 echoString() 方法的实现。
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_mycompanyname_nativelogic_NativeInterfaceTest_echoString
(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jstring js)
return((*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "My JNI is up and working after lots of research"));
请注意,您不能简单地返回普通的 Java 字符串(因为您目前使用的是 C)。您必须告诉传入的 JVM 变量为您创建一个将返回的 Java 字符串。查看以下有关其他数据类型的 Oracle 网页以及如何操作为 JNI 目的创建它们。
6) 关闭并保存对头文件的更改。现在,您已经向标头添加了实现,请将文件扩展名从“.h”更改为“.c”,因为它现在是正确实现 JNI 所需接口的 C 源代码文件。
例子: NativeInterfaceTest.c
7) 我们需要编译新创建的源代码文件并链接它。在命令提示符中键入以下内容:
cl /I"path_to_my_jdks_include_folder" /I"path_to_my_jdks_include_win32_folder" /D:AMD64=1 /LD NativeInterfaceTest.c /FeNativeInterfaceTest.dll /link /machine:x64
cl /I"D:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_21/include" /I"D:/Program Files/java/jdk1.6.0_21/include/win32" /D:AMD64=1 /LD NativeInterfaceTest.c /FeNativeInterfaceTest.dll /link /machine:x64
这将生成多个文件,但这是我们要的 DLL。感兴趣。这就是 System.loadLirbary() java 方法正在寻找的内容。
8) 恭喜!您只需将 DLL 程序集粘贴到以下位置即可:
。注意我们如何不在 loadLibrary() 调用中包含“.dll”文件扩展名?
System.loadLibrary( "/x64/NativeInterfaceTest" );
现在,您可以在 Java 代码中创建一个 NativeInterfaceTest 对象并调用 echoString() 方法它将返回您在 NativeInterfaceTest.c 源代码文件中键入的字符串值。
I provide this for you to hopefully save you some time and pain.
As part of my experience in getting to know NB Development v7 on my Windows 64-bit workstation I found another frustrating adventure in trying to get the JNI (Java Native Interface) abilities up and working in my project. As such, I am including a brief summary of steps required (as all the documentation I found was completely incorrect for these versions of Windows and NetBeans on how to do JNI). It took a couple of days of experimentation and reviewing every webpage I could find that included these technologies as keyword searches. Yuk!! Not fun.
To begin, as NetBeans Development is "all about modules" if you are reading this you probably have a need for one, or more, of your modules to perform JNI calls. Most of what is available on this site or the Internet in general (not to mention the help file in NB7) is either completely wrong for these versions, or so sparse as to be essentially unuseful to anyone other than a JNI expert.
Here is what you are looking for ... the "cut to the chase" - "how to guide" to get a JNI call up and working on your NB7 / Windows 64-bit box.
1) From within your NetBeans Module (not the host application) declare your native method(s) and make sure you can compile the Java source without errors.
package org.mycompanyname.nativelogic;
public class NativeInterfaceTest
if (System.getProperty( "os.arch" ).toLowerCase().equals( "amd64" ) )
System.loadLibrary( <64-bit_folder_name_on_file_system>/<file_name.dll> );
System.loadLibrary( <32-bit_folder_name_on_file_system>/<file_name.dll> );
catch (SecurityException se) {}
catch (UnsatisfieldLinkError ule) {}
catch (NullPointerException npe) {}
public NativeInterfaceTest() {}
native String echoString(String s);
Take notice to the fact that we only load the Assembly once (as it's in a static block), because otherwise you will throw exceptions if attempting to load it again. Also take note of our single (in this example) native method titled "echoString". This is the method that our C / C++ application is going to implement, then via the majic of JNI we'll call from our Java code.
2) If using a 64-bit version of Windows (which we are here) we need to open a 64-bit Visual Studio Command Prompt (versus the standard 32-bit version), and execute the "vcvarsall" BAT file, along with an "amd64" command line argument, to set the environment up for 64-bit tools.
<path_to_Microsoft_Visual_Studio_10.0>/VC/vcvarsall.bat amd64
Take note that you can use any version of the C / C++ compiler from Microsoft you wish. I happen to have Visual Studio 2005, 2008, and 2010 installed on my box so I chose to use "v10.0" but any that support 64-bit development will work fine. The other important aspect here is the "amd64" param.
3) In the Command Prompt change drives \ directories on your computer so that you are at the root of the fully qualified Class location on the file system that contains your native method declaration.
The fully qualified class name for my natively declared method is "org.mycompanyname.nativelogic.NativeInterfaceTest". As we successfully compiled our Java in Step 1 above, we should find it contained in our NetBeans Module something similar to the following:
We need to make sure our Command Prompt sets, as the current directly, "/build/classes" because of our next step.
4) In this step we'll create our C / C++ Header file that contains the JNI required statements. Type the following in the Command Prompt:
javah -jni org.mycompanyname.nativelogic.NativeInterfaceTest
and hit enter. If you receive any kind of error that states this is an unrecognized command that simply means your Windows computer does not know the PATH to that command (it's in your /bin folder). Either run the command from there, or include the fully qualified path name when invoking this application, or set your computer's PATH environmental variable to include that path in its search.
This should produce a file called "org_mycompanyname_nativelogic_NativeInterfaceTest.h" ... a C Header file. I'd make a copy of this in case you need a backup later.
5) Edit the NativeInterfaceTest.h header file and include an implementation for the echoString() method.
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_mycompanyname_nativelogic_NativeInterfaceTest_echoString
(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jstring js)
return((*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "My JNI is up and working after lots of research"));
Notice how you can't simply return a normal Java String (because you're in C at the moment). You have to tell the passed in JVM variable to create a Java String for you that will be returned back. Check out the following Oracle web page for other data types and how to create them for JNI purposes.
6) Close and Save your changes to the Header file. Now that you've added an implementation to the Header change the file extension from ".h" to ".c" as it's now a C source code file that properly implements the JNI required interface.
7) We need to compile the newly created source code file and Link it too. From within the Command Prompt type the following:
cl /I"path_to_my_jdks_include_folder" /I"path_to_my_jdks_include_win32_folder" /D:AMD64=1 /LD NativeInterfaceTest.c /FeNativeInterfaceTest.dll /link /machine:x64
cl /I"D:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_21/include" /I"D:/Program Files/java/jdk1.6.0_21/include/win32" /D:AMD64=1 /LD NativeInterfaceTest.c /FeNativeInterfaceTest.dll /link /machine:x64
Notice the quotes around the paths to the 'include" and 'include/win32' folders is required because I have spaces in my folder names ... 'Program Files'. You can include them if you have no spaces without problems, but they are mandatory if you have spaces when using a command prompt.
This will generate several files, but it's the DLL we're interested in. This is what the System.loadLirbary() java method is looking for.
8) Congratuations! You're at the last step. Simply take the DLL Assembly and paste it at the following location:
Note that you'll probably have to create the "lib" and "x64" folders.
Java code ... notice how we don't inlude the ".dll" file extension in the loadLibrary() call?
System.loadLibrary( "/x64/NativeInterfaceTest" );
Now, in your Java code you can create a NativeInterfaceTest object and call the echoString() method and it will return the String value you typed in the NativeInterfaceTest.c source code file.
Hopefully this will save you the brain damage I endured trying to figure all this out on my own. Good luck and happy coding!
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
Since this question is not a question but a howto, my answer is not an answer but a howIdo:
Your 32/64 technique requires seperate directories for the DLLs.
This is howIdo:
which allows dllName32.dll and dllName64.dll to be packaged in the same directory.
...Just another man's opinion.