CakePHP 1.3 $这 -> save() 不执行查询
我正在尝试使用 CakePHP 1.3 将一些数据保存到 MySQL 数据库。数据不是来自表单,但为了模仿它,我将数据放在 $this ->; 中。像这样的数据数组:
$this -> data = Array (
'User' => Array (
'last_login' => date ('Y-m-d H:i:s')
这将创建一个看起来与默认 Cake 数据数组完全相同的数组。到目前为止,一切都很好。
if ($this -> User -> save ($this -> data))
echo $this -> User -> id;
echo 'Save failed';
我检查了我的 User 模型或 AppModel 中是否存在 beforeSave 或 beforeValidate 函数以及它们是否返回 true。 (他们做到了。)
我回应 $this ->会话-> default.ctp 中的 flash ()
我回应了 $this -> default.ctp 中的元素 ('sql_dump')
我从我的控制器回显 $this ->验证错误
我试图在我的 $this -> 中提供正确的索引用于保存的数据数组
$this -> User -> save ($this -> data['User']);
我检查是否通过 $this ->; 加载了我的用户模型loadModel ('User')
请注意,我尝试在 AppController 中执行此操作(这就是我手动加载模型的原因)。更具体地说:它位于 AppController 中的 beforeFilter ()
函数中。在我的应用程序拥有的每个其他控制器的 beforeFilter ()
Using CakePHP 1.3 I'm trying to save some data to a MySQL database. The data doesn't come from a form, but to imitate it I put the data in the $this -> data array like this:
$this -> data = Array (
'User' => Array (
'last_login' => date ('Y-m-d H:i:s')
This creates an array that looks exactly like the default Cake data array. So far so good.
Next, I call the following function:
if ($this -> User -> save ($this -> data))
echo $this -> User -> id;
echo 'Save failed';
It always comes up with 'Save failed', showing the data wasn't saved correctly. I tried to debug this in a variety of ways:
I checked whether a beforeSave or beforeValidate function existed in my User model or AppModel and whether these return true. (They did.)
I echoed $this -> Session -> flash ()
in default.ctp. It doesn't say anything.
I echoed $this -> element ('sql_dump')
in default.ctp. I don't see any sign of the query I expect, confirming my expectation of the query not executing instead of just failing.
From my controller I echoed $this -> validationErrors
. It's empty so validation seems to be ok.
I tried to provide the correct index in my $this -> data array
for the save, like this:
$this -> User -> save ($this -> data['User']);
I checked whether I loaded my User model via $this -> loadModel ('User')
(I did).
Note that I try to do this in my AppController (that's why I loaded the model manually). More specifically: it's in the beforeFilter ()
function in the AppController. This function is called in the beforeFilter ()
function in every other Controller my application has (I checked this).
At the moment, I don't know what could cause this. Does anyone have an idea about this?
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您在保存之前没有指定用户 ID,因此 CakePHP 不知道将日期保存到哪一行。实际上,您要求 CakePHP 仅保存日期,而不指定位置。我现在离开了我的 webdev 盒子,但我相信这就是您正在寻找的东西。
You're not specifying the User id before you save, so CakePHP has no idea what row to save the date to. In effect, you're asking CakePHP to just save a date, without specifying where. I am away from my webdev box right now, but I believe this is what you're looking for.
See this page for more information. BTW, if you want to do it the way you were originally doing it, I think this is the way:
$this->User->saveField('last_login', date ('Ymd H:i: s'));
$this ->数据 = 数组 (
'用户' =>大批 (
'id'=> $myId
'最后登录' =>日期 ('Ymd H:i:s')
if ($this -> 用户 -> 保存($this -> 数据))
回显 $this ->用户-> ID;
echo '保存失败';
if you want to update your last_login
$this->User->saveField('last_login', date ('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
if you save all record then you have this type of array and you must have "id".
this "id" you get by session or anyway
$this -> data = Array (
'User' => Array (
'id' => $myId
'last_login' => date ('Y-m-d H:i:s')
if ($this -> User -> save ($this -> data))
echo $this -> User -> id;
echo 'Save failed';