If I were you I would go through introductory courses listed on MIT's Open Courseware and get atleast a basic understanding of what computer science is all about and then start with basic C# or java programming languages.
The specifics of what you'll need really depend on the curriculum of the university you seek a degree from, as well as specifically what you're seeking from a MSCS. The match background you have may or may not need to be extended -- depending again on the curriculum, and also if you do or don't have discrete math in your background.
You're not going to get any solid answers on stackoverflow for this; you really need to talk to an advisor at whichever school you decide to investigate further. The problem is there isn't a general answer that is sure to be accurate for you.
如果我是你,我会学习 MIT 开放课件上列出的入门课程,至少对计算机科学有一个基本的了解,然后从基本的 C# 或 Java 编程语言开始。
http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/#electrical-engineering -和-计算机科学
If I were you I would go through introductory courses listed on MIT's Open Courseware and get atleast a basic understanding of what computer science is all about and then start with basic C# or java programming languages.
您需要的具体内容实际上取决于您寻求学位的大学的课程,以及您希望从 MSCS 获得的具体内容。您拥有的比赛背景可能需要也可能不需要扩展——再次取决于课程,以及您的背景是否有离散数学。
你不会在 stackoverflow 上得到任何可靠的答案;无论您决定进一步调查哪所学校,您确实需要与顾问交谈。问题是没有一个肯定适合您的通用答案。
The specifics of what you'll need really depend on the curriculum of the university you seek a degree from, as well as specifically what you're seeking from a MSCS. The match background you have may or may not need to be extended -- depending again on the curriculum, and also if you do or don't have discrete math in your background.
You're not going to get any solid answers on stackoverflow for this; you really need to talk to an advisor at whichever school you decide to investigate further. The problem is there isn't a general answer that is sure to be accurate for you.