它希望有 1 或 2 页的所有技术介绍及其示例,说明如何应用它们或它们可以用于什么目的被使用。 感兴趣
- 我对反向传播算法
- 赫布斯定律
- 贝叶斯网络
- 马尔可夫链模型
- 模拟退火
- 禁忌搜索
- 遗传算法或进化算法
那么我可以找到 1-2 页的应用示例介绍吗
I know that Artificial Intelligence field is very vast and there are many books on it. But i just want to know the any resource where i can get the simple inroduction to all Artificail Intelligence techniques like
It would like to have 1 or 2 page introduction of all techniques and their examples of how they can be applied or for what purpose they can be used. I am interested in
- Backpropagation Algoritm
- Hebbs Law
- Bayesian networks
- Markov Chain Models
- Simulated Annealing
- Tabu Search
- Genetic Algorithms or Evolutionary Algos
Now there are many variants and more AI techniques. And each one have many books written on them. i am unable to decide which algos i can use unless i know what they are capable of doing.
So can i find 1-2 page inroduction of them with Application examples
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元启发学精要涵盖了其中的几个 - 我不能保证'将涵盖所有内容,但我知道其中有关于模拟退火和遗传算法的好东西。可能至少还有其他一些,但我必须重新下载才能检查。它可以免费下载。
Essentials of Metaheuristics covers several of these - I can't promise it'll cover all of them, but I know there's good stuff on simulated annealing and genetic algorithms in there. Probably at least a few of the others, but I'd have to re-download it to check. It's available for free download.
It can be a bit light on the theory, but it'll give you a straightforward description, some explanation of when you'd want to use each, and a lot of useful pseudocode.
这是来自 Drools Planner 手册的本地搜索图像(= 没有禁忌的禁忌搜索) :
Here's an image on local search (= tabu search without tabu) from the Drools Planner manual:
I am working on similar images for Greedy algorithms, brute force, branch and bound and simulated annealing.
这是我为 GA 开发的一个 API,每个操作员都有一个实现,并解决了一个具体的示例问题((好)足球队,约有 600 名球员,预算有限)。所有设置都已完成,因此您可以使用 mvn exec:java 运行它并在控制台输出中观察它的演变。但您可以实现自己的问题结构,甚至其他运算符(交叉、变异、选择)方法。
As an example of Genetic Algorithms implementation I can give you this.
It's an API I developed for GA, with one implementation for each operator, and one concrete example problem solved ((good) Soccer Team among ~600 players with budget restriction). Its all setup so you run it with
mvn exec:java
and watch it evolving in the console output. But you can implement your own problem structure, or even other operators (crossing, mutating, selection) methods.