Android 3.1 Intent 过滤器主机方案与 http 方案的问题
在Android 3.1中,如果我的主机是http,并且scheme是'',即使我在AndroidManifest.xml的intent过滤器标签中指定了相应的scheme和host标签,我也会被重定向到不同的页面。它在较低的 Android 版本上运行良好。
In Android 3.1, if my host is http, and scheme is '', I get redirected to a different page even when I have specified corresponding scheme and host tags in intent filter tags of AndroidManifest.xml. It is working fine on lower android versions.
Even if the scheme is http and host is, the browser handles it awkward. For other apps such as barcode scanner, the activity chooser comes up fine. In the case of browser, it does not happen.