There are currently two modes of privacy, one is public (where you add a title and description), this fiddle will show up in your dashboard and your public fiddle-list. The other mode is semi-public, where you don'y add description or title, hence the fiddle is only visible for you in your dashboard - crawlers shouldn't be able to reach there, hence shouldn't index your fiddles.
That said, the Beta version of JsFiddle has more privacy modes, including the much anticipated "private fiddle" - this functionality will be probably available only for subscribers.
目前有两种隐私模式,一种是公开模式(您添加标题和描述),该小提琴将显示在您的仪表板和公共小提琴列表中。另一种模式是半公开的,您不添加描述或标题,因此小提琴仅在仪表板中对您可见 - 爬虫不应该能够到达那里,因此应该' t 索引你的小提琴。
也就是说,JsFiddle 的 Beta 版本有更多的隐私模式,包括备受期待的“私人小提琴”——该功能可能只对订阅者可用。
Oskar(JsFiddle 联合创始人)
There are currently two modes of privacy, one is public (where you add a title and description), this fiddle will show up in your dashboard and your public fiddle-list. The other mode is semi-public, where you don'y add description or title, hence the fiddle is only visible for you in your dashboard - crawlers shouldn't be able to reach there, hence shouldn't index your fiddles.
That said, the Beta version of JsFiddle has more privacy modes, including the much anticipated "private fiddle" - this functionality will be probably available only for subscribers.
Oskar (JsFiddle co-creator)