在 SQL Server 2008r2 中使用自连接表聚合数据
Id Name ParentId
1 Food NULL
2 Drinks NULL
3 Beer 2
4 Draft Beer 3
5 Bottle Beer 4
6 Pizza 1
8 Sandwiches 1
ParentId 是返回类别的 FK
Id Name CategoryId
1 6" Sausage 6
2 French Dip 8
3 Dogfish 60 IPA 4
4 Dogfish 60 IPA 5
5 Bud Light 5
Id Total DateReceived DateCompleted
1 12.00 1/1/1970 1:00 1/1/1970 1:05
2 11.50 1/1/1970 1:08 1/1/1970 1:18
Id Price OrderId MenuItemId
1 9.00 1 1
2 3.00 1 5
3 3.50 2 3
4 8.00 2 2
此报告功能的目标是获取类别 ID 并返回给定时间段内的总和(或计数)。如果传入的类别是叶类别(例如瓶装啤酒),那么我可以毫无问题地计算这个总数。然而,如果它的层次结构较高,例如“食品”,我无法弄清楚如何以汇总所有子类别的方式编写查询。
我正在使用 SQL Server 2008r2。我尝试使用WITH common_table_expression 查询,但收到有关“递归cte 的递归部分”中不允许的聚合函数的错误。
我今天的 SQL 看起来像这样:
SELECT SUM(oi.Price) as Total, DAY(o.Completed)
FROM Orders o
JOIN OrderItems oi on oi.orderId = o.id
JOIN MenuItems mi on oi.MenuItemId = mi.id
JOIN Categories c on mi.CategoryId = c.id
WHERE o.Completed is not null
AND c.Id = @categoryId
AND o.Completed between @startDate and @endDate
GROUP BY DAY(o.completed)
同样,如果 @categoryId 是叶类别,则此查询准确地给出了我正在寻找的内容。如果不是,则不会返回任何内容。我希望能够提供@category=2(饮料)并获取“饮料”类别层次结构中任何位置的所有项目的总和。
I'm trying to provide reporting functionality on a typical restaurant type database. I describe the specifics of the problem below, but in a nutshell I need to be able retrieve aggregate data (sums and counts) for items that relate to a heirarchical self-joining "Category" table. I know that's wordy and probably confusing, so I'll try to relay the details with an example. I have four tables specific to this problem:
Id Name ParentId
1 Food NULL
2 Drinks NULL
3 Beer 2
4 Draft Beer 3
5 Bottle Beer 4
6 Pizza 1
8 Sandwiches 1
ParentId is a FK back to Categories
Id Name CategoryId
1 6" Sausage 6
2 French Dip 8
3 Dogfish 60 IPA 4
4 Dogfish 60 IPA 5
5 Bud Light 5
Id Total DateReceived DateCompleted
1 12.00 1/1/1970 1:00 1/1/1970 1:05
2 11.50 1/1/1970 1:08 1/1/1970 1:18
Id Price OrderId MenuItemId
1 9.00 1 1
2 3.00 1 5
3 3.50 2 3
4 8.00 2 2
The goal of this reporting functionality is to take a categoryId and return a sum (or count) over a given period of time. If the incoming category is a leaf category (e.g. Bottle Beer), I have no problem calculating this total. If however it's higher up the heirarchy, "Food" for instance, I can't figure out how to write the query in such a way that it will sum up all child categories.
I'm using SQL Server 2008r2. I tried using a WITH common_table_expression query, but I got an error about aggregate functions not allowed in the "recursive part of a recursive cte".
The SQL I have today looks something like this:
SELECT SUM(oi.Price) as Total, DAY(o.Completed)
FROM Orders o
JOIN OrderItems oi on oi.orderId = o.id
JOIN MenuItems mi on oi.MenuItemId = mi.id
JOIN Categories c on mi.CategoryId = c.id
WHERE o.Completed is not null
AND c.Id = @categoryId
AND o.Completed between @startDate and @endDate
GROUP BY DAY(o.completed)
Again, if @categoryId is a leaf category, this query gives me exactly what I'm looking for. If it's not, it returns nothing. I'd like to be able to provide @category=2 (Drinks) and get back the sum of all items anywhere in the "Drinks" category hierarchy.
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实际上,尝试使用 CTE 递归方法解决这个问题已经非常接近目标了。递归在最好的情况下会令人困惑,但它是此类问题的最佳解决方案。
显然 17 美元的食物是由披萨组成的和三明治。同样,饮料的 6.50 美元由啤酒的 6.50 美元组成,而啤酒的 6.50 美元又分别由生啤酒和瓶装啤酒的 3.50 美元和 3.00 美元组成......等等等等......
代码如下,这应该适用于您的架构。如果您希望限制输出,请在紧靠分组依据之前添加一个 where 子句。
You're actually very close to the mark with trying to solve this problem with the CTE recursion method. Recursion is confusing at the best of times, but is the best solution for this type of problem.
I have copied the schema you have specified in your question and have come up with the following solution.
I have tested it and it produces the following output... I am assuming that this is what you want to see...
Obviously the $17 for food is made up of pizza and sandwiches. Likewise the $6.50 for the drinks is made of the $6.50 for the beer, which in turn is made up of the $3.50 and $3.00 from the draft and bottled beer respectively.... etc etc...
This matches the hierarchy of the categories.
The code is below, this should work with your schema. If you wish to restrict the output add a where clause immediate before the group by.
您是否尝试过使用递归 CTE 来确定感兴趣的类别 ID,然后在进行聚合时加入这些结果?我想是这样的:
Have you tried using a recursive CTE to determine the category IDs of interest, and then joining on those results when doing your aggregation? Something like this I think:
将食物和饮料放入 CategoryType 表中。
I would change the database. The problem is you have two different classes of items in the same table.
Put Food and Drink in a CategoryType table.
Leave the rest in the Category table.
Join 'em.
Or, to avoid another table, add a category type field to the Category table. Type can be Food or Drink. You can use "Food" and "Drink" or 'F' and 'D'. Purists may not like this but the advantages are it is simpler and will run faster.