Sql Server中的大事务,有什么问题吗?
我有一个程序,可以在一个事务中对 SQL Server 2005 或 2008 数据库执行许多批量操作(删除和创建索引、创建列、全表更新等)。
- 我知道即使在简单恢复模式下事务日志也会扩展。
- 该程序在系统正常运行期间不会执行,因此锁定和并发不是问题。
I have a program which does many bulk operations on an SQL Server 2005 or 2008 database (drops and creates indexes, creates columns, full table updates etc), all in one transaction.
Are there any problems to be expected?
- I know that the transaction log expands even in Simple recovery mode.
- This program is not executed during normal operation of the system, so locking and concurrency is not an issue.
Are there other reasons to split the transaction into smaller steps?
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考虑一下,如果在事务开始和完成之间的任何时间点,您的服务器遇到故障,为了使数据库联机,SQL Server 必须执行崩溃恢复过程,这将涉及从日志中回滚所有未提交的事务。
In short,
Consider that if at any point between the time the transaction started and finished, your server experienced a failure, in order to be bring the database online SQL Server would have to perform the crash recovery process which would involve rolling back all uncommitted transactions from the log.
Supposing you developed a data processing solution that is intelligent enough to pick up from where it left off. By using a single transaction this would not be an option available to you because you would need to start the process from the begging once again.
If the transaction causes too many database log entries (updates) the log can hit what is known as the "high water mark". It's the point at which the log reaches (about) half of its absolute maximum size, when it must then commence rolling back all updates (which will consume about the same amount of disk as it took to do the updates.
Not rolling back at this point would mean risking eventually reaching the maximum log size and still not finishing the transaction or hitting a rollback command, at which point the database is screwed because there's not enough log space to rollback.
It isn't really a problem until you run out of disk space, but you'll find that rollback will take a long time. I'm not saying to plan for failure of course.
However, consider the process not the transaction log as such. I'd consider separating:
If something goes wrong I'd hope that you have rollback scripts and/or a backup.
Is there really a need to do everything atomically?
根据更新语句的复杂性,我建议仅在小型表(例如 100 行)上执行此操作。特别是当您只有少量可用主内存时。否则,例如,大表上的更新可能需要很长时间,甚至看起来会挂起。然后很难弄清楚进程(spid)正在做什么以及可能需要多长时间。
无论如何,我不确定“删除索引”是否是事务记录操作。请参阅这个问题< /a> 位于 stackoverflow.com。
Depending on the complexity of your update statements, I'd recommend to do this only on small tables of, say, a few 100 rows. Especially if you have only a small amount of main memory available. Otherwise, for instance, updates on big tables can take a very long time and even appear to hang. Then it's difficult to figure out what the process (spid) is doing and how long it might take.
I'm not sure whether "Drop index" is transaction-logged operation anyway. See this question here on stackoverflow.com.