当我设计 Android 应用程序时,我在模拟器中使用 HVGA 分辨率。我(在 YouTube 和其他视频广播上)看到一些开发人员使用更高分辨率,如 WVGA 或类似的分辨率。
哪种分辨率最适合设计当今的 Android 应用程序?为什么?
When I design Android apps, I use HVGA resolution in the emulator. I saw (on YouTube and other videocasts) that some developer use higher resolution like WVGA or similar.
Which resolution is best for designing nowadays Android apps? Why?
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Why restrict yourself to one resolution? You are perfectly able to customize the design for all screen resolutions. See this page in the developer docs: Supporting Multiple Screens
It tells you how to support multiple screen sizes and how to test them.
设计的最佳分辨率是用户使用的分辨率。这听起来很明显,但由于 Android 设备数量众多,支持的屏幕分辨率也数量众多。您需要做的是确保您设计的应用程序支持多种分辨率,以便它在所有设备上看起来都很棒,而不仅仅是一种设备。 @Tchami 指出了如何开始。
The best resolution to design for is the resolution that the user is using. That sounds obvious, but as there are a plethora of Android devices, there are also a plethora of supported screen resolutions. What you need to do is make sure you design your app to support a multitude of resolutions so that it looks great on all devices, not just one. @Tchami points out how to get started.
所有这些都是同时进行的,因为没有什么比应用程序使用到 95% 时发现你的老板正在 HTC Desire 上测试它,她的老板正在 Galaxy Tab 上测试它更烦人的了,他们都希望它看起来像适合他们。
All of them, simultaneously, because there's nothing more annoying than getting 95% of the way through an app and discovering your boss is testing it on an HTC Desire, her boss is testing it on a Galaxy Tab, and they both want it to look right for them.
For your design time, Tackle multiple resolutions first, landscape/portrait second. Build a ton of emulators with a ton of different screen sizes, including tablets. Those are my priorities. You can always make someone use something that works in the orientation they dont want, but you cant make them use something that doesnt work in either orientation.
这里的其他评论都是正确的,它应该适用于所有分辨率。如果您想知道应该关注哪些设备并实现像素完美,请使用 Android 设备仪表板,它提供了上周市场用户的所有屏幕尺寸和密度的详细信息。这将使您知道哪些屏幕类型特别值得定位(目前普通 hdpi 和普通 mdpi 占主导地位)
The other comments here are all correct that it should work at all resolutions. If you want to know which ones you should focus on and make pixel perfect, use the Android Device Dashboard, which provides a breakdown of all the screen sizes and densities of the last week worth of Market users. This will let you know which screen types are especially worth targeting (normal hdpi and normal mdpi dominate at the moment)
我总是设计 768px X 1280px 画布尺寸,这是关于 xHdpi 分辨率,你应该将画布中的所有元素调整为 4 种尺寸或 5 种尺寸,即 mdpi、hdpi、xhdpi(基线)、xxhdpi、xxxhdpi(可选),然后你就有了一个独立于设备的设备为您的应用程序设计。
I always design 768px X 1280px canvas size, this is about xHdpi resolution and you should resize all elements in canvas to 4 sizes or 5 which are mdpi,hdpi,xhdpi(baseline),xxhdpi,xxxhdpi(optional) then you have a device independent design for your app.