在 SQL Server 中对表进行分区,会影响我的软件吗?
- 我需要更新我的软件来支持分区表吗?
- SQL Server 中的分区表是否会更改我的数据库表?
- Do I need to update my software to support partitioned table?
- Does partitioning tables in SQL Server change my database table?
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数据库分区是 DBMS 级别的功能,以便 DBMS 将表的数据分布到不同的表中并更新索引。这种分区对于应用程序来说是透明的,并且任何查询都不会因分区而改变。
你的表结构不会改变;相反,分区后,数据将分布在多个表中。您可以将分区可视化为水平分割表数据并将其分布在两个或多个表中。唯一的区别是 DBMS 不会让您知道数据被拆分到多个表中
Database partitioning is a DBMS level feature such that the DBMS will distribute the data of a table across different tables and update the index as well. This partitioning is transparent to the application and none of the queries will change as a result of your partitions.
Your table structure will not change; instead, after partitioning, the data will be distributed across multiple tables. You can visualize partitioning as horizontally splitting your table data and distributing it among two or more tables. The only difference is that the DBMS will not let you know of the data being split among multiple tables
参考SQL Server 2005 中的分区表和索引< /a>:
阅读提供的文章,了解有关 sql server 中表分区的最佳实践。
Refering to Partitioned Tables and Indexes in SQL Server 2005:
Read the provided article to learn the best practices about tables partitioning in sql server.
Also refer to:
Partitioned Table and Index Concepts
Designing Partitions to Improve Query Performance