CRM 4.0 自定义活动视图
示例: 活动类型;关于对象名称;关于对象状态;关于对象优先级; ...
- 创建一个自定义实体并包含所有“活动指针”字段+有关对象字段的附加固定计数。
- 创建一个数据库视图,从表中查询所有必需的属性。
- 为新创建的自定义实体创建一个 RetrieveMultiple 插件,直接使用数据库中的数据填充它。
The problem: We need to display Activities with thier regarding objects fixed set of attributes.
Activity Type; Regarding Object Name; Regarding Object Status; Regarding Object Priority; ...
What is the best way to achieve that?
I'm thinking to solve this by:
- Create a Custom entity and include all 'activitypointer' fields + additional fixed count regarding object fields.
- Create a Database View that queries all required attributes from tables.
- Create a RetrieveMultiple Plugin for newly created Custom entity fill it with data directly from Database.
Any other suggestions?
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我建议的唯一其他方法是模拟普通视图的自定义 Web 应用程序。您可以使用 CRM 样式使其看起来与其他视图相同。加载时,让它使用 SQL(如果是本地部署)或 RetrieveMultiple(如果托管)检索您想要的所有活动。这样,您在搜索和引入附加属性方面将拥有更大的灵活性,而不必浪费时间使用插件。
The only other way I would propose is a custom web application that mocks the normal views. You can use the CRM styles to make it look the same as other views. On load, have it retrieve all activities you want using SQL if on-premise or RetrieveMultiple if hosted. This way you would have more flexibility in terms of search and bringing in additional attributes and don't have to mess around with plugins.