可调整大小的 Tk 窗口做得很好
我组装 Tk 窗口的方式有问题(在 Win XP 下使用 R tcltk 和 tcltk2)
expandTk <- function() {
root <- tktoplevel()
# textbox with scroll bars
textbox <- tk2frame(root)
scr <- tkscrollbar(textbox, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...) tkyview(txt,...))
txt <- tktext(textbox, bg="white", font="courier", wrap="word", yscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(scr,...))
tkpack(txt, side="left", fill="both", expand=TRUE)
tkpack(scr, side="right", fill="y")
tkpack(textbox, fill="both", expand=TRUE)
# status bar and size grip
statusText <- tclVar("")
f <- tk2frame(root, relief="sunken")
l <- tk2label(f, textvariable=statusText)
tkpack(l, side="left", pady=2, padx=5, expand=0, fill="x")
tkpack(f, side="left", expand=1, fill="x", anchor="s")
sg <- ttksizegrip(root)
tkpack(sg, side="left", expand=0, anchor="se")
窗口看起来不错,但是一旦我调整它的大小(即使其变小),滚动条和状态栏就会消失。我很确定这是一个用户错误,我见过其他 Tk 应用程序可以正确调整大小,但我不知道应该使用哪个选项...
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这是 Tk
有一些关于使用 R 此处。
That's standard behavior for the Tk
geometry manager. Here's a relevant section of thepack
man page:So if you shrink the overall window to be smaller than the space requested for the text widget, you leave no space for the other widgets, and they get unmapped.
The best solution is to use the
geometry manager, instead ofpack
. Generally speaking, I findgrid
to be much easier to use and capable thanpack
anyway, although your mileage may vary. In particular, it eliminates the need for many superfluous frame widgets, which can simplify your code a lot.I think you can use something like this:
There's some more information about using the
geometry manager from R here.如果您坚持打包小部件,则应该注意,如果没有足够的空间为所有小部件提供它们所要求的空间,则空间将优先分配给第一个打包的小部件(在特定容器)。首先放置状态栏,然后是滚动条,最后才是主小部件。 (您可能需要更改将特定小部件打包到哪一侧,以使其全部正常工作。)此外,如果它变得太复杂,请记住您可以将其打包在框架内;这为您提供了很多的灵活性。
但这就是使用网格几何管理器才有意义的一点。当您想要应用程序外观的最后 10% 时,它可以为您提供更精细的控制,并且需要更少的小部件嵌套来实现它。
If you're insistent on packing the widgets, you should be aware that if there isn't enough space to give all widgets the room they asked for, space is given preferentially to the first widgets packed (within a particular container). Put the statusbar in first, then the scrollbars, and only then the main widget. (You may need to alter which side you're packing particular widgets on to make it all work right.) Also, if it is getting too complicated, remember that you can pack inside frames packed inside frames; that gives you lots of flexibility.
But that's the point when using the grid geometry manager just makes sense. It gives you a lot more fine control when you're going for that last 10% of the look of your app, and needs less nesting of widgets to achieve it.
正如 Eric 指出的那样,网格绝对是最好的,但如果您确实想使用 pack,那么调整扩展 txt 小部件的大小(如下所示)将得到您想要的东西。有一些尺寸启发法可以改进。
Definitely grid is best, as Eric points out, but if you really want to use pack then resizing the expanding txt widget, like below, will get you what you are looking for. There are some size heuristics that could be improved.
Add this to the end of your code: