我的 SQL 技能显然已经变得生疏了——根据我发现的例子来玩弄语句:
SELECT source_id,message,created_time FROM stream WHERE source_id=me()
SELECT actor_id, post_id, message FROM stream WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM like WHERE uid1=me())
Yes, I know that it's unusual for a user to "like" their own posts but that's what I'm looking for. I also know that you can't query the like table by user to get everything they've liked but that's not what I'm after. I just want their own posts (and later, photos) that they've liked.
I've clearly gotten pathetically rusty in my SQL skills--playing around with statements based off of the examples I've found:
SELECT source_id,message,created_time FROM stream WHERE source_id=me()
SELECT actor_id, post_id, message FROM stream WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM like WHERE uid1=me())
I imagine what I want is either trivial to do or currently impossible. I expect the former.
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要获取用户喜欢的帖子 ID,可能类似于:
您可以将其扩展为也包括照片 ID。您可以使用类似的 post_id 字段将其嵌套到另一个深度以获取更多帖子信息。
To get the post ids that the user likes, it would be something like:
You could expand this to also include photo ids. And you could nest it another level deep to get more post info by using the like's post_id field.