You will not be able to hide this easily. You can encrypt and decipher on the fly. The problem is that people will be able to look at you're process memory and see the code clear as day. If you want to prevent people from changing the lua you can create a hash which the text file is checked against on each run.
Depends on how safe it should be. For keeping out dumb edits you can just change the extension, and configure the path to recognize it anyhow.
For keeping out people who know how to change extensions, you can ship files compiled with luac. For deciphering that you already have to put considerable effort in it.
But to be really save I guess the only way is to encrypt/sign the code, and perhaps modify the core such that it'll only run files who's signature checks out to be OK, or which can be decrypted.
编译 Lua 脚本:使用标志 < code>-s 还将删除调试信息,从而使其也更小一些。
You can compile Lua scripts with
:Using the flag
will also remove debugging information, thus making it also a little bit smaller.您将无法轻易隐藏这一点。您可以即时加密和解密。问题是人们将能够查看您的进程内存并清楚地看到代码。如果你想阻止人们更改 lua,你可以创建一个哈希值,在每次运行时都会检查文本文件。
You will not be able to hide this easily. You can encrypt and decipher on the fly. The problem is that people will be able to look at you're process memory and see the code clear as day. If you want to prevent people from changing the lua you can create a hash which the text file is checked against on each run.
(对于 Lua)
为了阻止那些知道如何更改扩展名的人,您可以发送使用 luac 编译的文件。为了破译你已经必须付出相当大的努力。
(For Lua)
Depends on how safe it should be. For keeping out dumb edits you can just change the extension, and configure the path to recognize it anyhow.
For keeping out people who know how to change extensions, you can ship files compiled with luac. For deciphering that you already have to put considerable effort in it.
But to be really save I guess the only way is to encrypt/sign the code, and perhaps modify the core such that it'll only run files who's signature checks out to be OK, or which can be decrypted.