Android Market 许可证服务器的 LICENSED 响应的典型 VT 值是多少?
当 Android Market 许可证服务器返回 LICENSED 响应时,是否有人拥有有关 VT 字段值的实际数据?
The application licensing docs say that once the application is no longer refundable, the validity period of license server responses is "typically a number of days." This is rather vague, although I would imagine that it means "days, not weeks or months" (as opposed to "days, not minutes or hours").
Does anyone have actual data about the VT field values when the Android Market license server returns a LICENSED response?
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根据我的经验,实时应用程序的期限为 14 天,测试响应的期限为 1 分钟。可以忽略 VT 值并通过更改存储的长值来使用您自己的时间戳(或为其添加额外的时间)。
我从未见过这些价值观的记录,并在大约 3 个月前的开发过程中回忆起它们。
In my experience the period is 14 days for a live application and 1 minute for a test response. It's possible to ignore the VT value and use your own timestamp (or add extra time to it) by altering the long value stored.
I've never seen these values documented and recall them from development around 3 months ago.
我最近的测试(昨天)表明,对于不可退款的应用程序,VT 时间戳恰好是许可证时间戳之后的 24 小时。
我还看到了仍可退款的日元购买,其中 VT 时间戳比许可证时间戳晚了不到 2 小时。据推测,VT 时间戳保持不变,直到应用程序不再退款。
对于应用程序可退款的情况,我不会假设所有国家/地区都有相同的 2 小时时差。但也许,对于不可退款的应用程序,无论在哪个国家/地区,24 小时都是不变的。
因此,我当前的假设是,为了检测购买的应用程序是否仍可退款,我会检查 VT 时间戳是否小于许可证时间戳之后的 24 小时。
顺便说一下,无论购买是否仍然可以退款,GT 时间戳始终是 VT 时间戳之后的 6 天。
My recent tests (yesterday) show that, for a non-refundable app, the VT timestamp is exactly 24 hours after the license timestamp.
I also saw a still-refundable JPY purchase where the VT timestamp was just under 2 hours after the license timestamp. Presumably that VT timestamp remains the same until the app is no longer refundable.
For when the app is refundable, I would not assume that all countries have the same 2 hour difference. But perhaps, for non-refundable apps, the 24 hours is constant regardless of country.
So my current hypothesis is that to detect whether an app purchase is still refundable, I check to see if the VT timestamp is less than 24 hours after the license timestamp.
By the way, the GT timestamp is always exactly 6 days after the VT timestamp regardless of whether the purchase is still refundable.
I'll update this answer if I get some new info.