除了 Facebook ID 之外,哪些用户数据可以存储在我的系统中?
我想知道是否可以存储比 Facebook 用户 ID 更多的数据。在旧的 API 中,它说不。
来自 ttp://developers.facebook.com/docs/ref … ndardinfo/:
此调用返回的唯一可存储值是用户 ID。
但是,如果我不将数据与用户关联,我可以存储数据吗?例如:如果用户是一名女性,并且对我的页面中的某些内容进行了评分,我是否可以在与用户无关的情况下在我的页面中计算 +1 女性投票?
I would like to know if I can store more data than a Facebook user id. In the old API it says no.
From ttp://developers.facebook.com/docs/ref … ndardinfo/:
The only storable values returned from this call are the user IDs.
But, could I store data if I do not relate it to the user? For instance: If the user is a woman, and rates something in my page, could I count a +1 women vote in my page without relating to the user?
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这些信息确实很旧。很久以前,Facebook 改变了规则,这样你就可以 24 小时“缓存”任何信息。去年他们改变了它,这样你就可以无限期地存储它。然而,对于这些信息的用途仍然有规则。看一下问题“我可以存储数据多长时间?” http://www.facebook.com/help/new/?page=1100
现在它几乎全部基于权限。基本授权根据用户的隐私设置为您提供有关用户的基本信息。用户可能不允许您说出他们的性别。如果您想要更多信息,您需要提示用户授予您访问该附加信息的权限。 Facebook 甚至设置了一个实时 API 来订阅用户信息的变化。例如,如果用户更改性别(不好的例子),您可能会收到“警报”。
That information is really old. Long ago Facebook changed the rules so you could "cache" any information 24 hours. Last year they then changed it so you could store it indefinitely. However, there are still rules on what that information can be used for. Look at the question "How long can I store data?" http://www.facebook.com/help/new/?page=1100
Now it's pretty much all based around permissions. Basic authorization gets you basic information about the user, based on their privacy settings. The user may not allow you to tell their gender. If you want more information, you need to prompt the user to grant you access to that additional information. Facebook has even setup a real time API for subscribing to user information changes. For example, you can get "alerted" if a user changes their gender (bad example).