有没有办法找到所有具有特定 CSS 类或 ID 的网页?标记搜索引擎?
我正在尝试查找已实施 Disqus 评论平台的网站(请参阅 avc.com 上的帖子以供参考)。所有 Disqus 评论都包含在 ID 为“disqus_thread”的 div 中。我尝试搜索 Disqus 评论界面中出现的单词,例如“实时更新是”和“通过电子邮件订阅”,但 Google 似乎没有为这些单词建立索引。
I'm trying to find websites with the Disqus commenting platform implemented (see a post on avc.com for reference). All Disqus comments are contained within a div with the id "disqus_thread". I've tried searching for words that appear within Disqus' comments interface such as "Real-time updating is" and "Subscribe by email" but it appears Google doesn't index those words.
Is there a search engine for markup, or an easy way to quickly scrape many sites for specific markup? Thanks.
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我目前正在构建一个能够实现这一点的工具。它基于 Selenium,您可以使用它来实现您的目标。但这需要一些开发工作。
I am currently building a tool capable of that. It is based on Selenium, which you could use for your goal. But that would involve some development effort.
But currently i am not aware of a search engine capable of that.