我读了一本名为“Professional Javascript For Web Developers 2nd Edition”的书,其中指出此代码可以检测浏览器渲染引擎:
<script type="text/javascript">
var client = function(){
var engine = {
ie: 0,
gecko: 0,
webkit: 0,
khtml: 0,
opera: 0,
ver: null
return {
engine : engine
alert("This is internet explorer");
}else if(client.engine.gecko > 1.5){
if(client.engine.ver == "1.8.1"){
alert("This is gecko rendering browser");
}else if(client.engine.webkit){
alert("This is web kit");
}else if(client.engine.khtml){
alert("This is khtml");
alert("none of the above");
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如果您阅读了 章节 和 下载源代码
然后你可以查看 client.js:
它仍然可以在 IE10 上运行Win10 上的 win7 和 Chrome 67
需要进行一些更改才能处理 IE11 (Trident/) 和 Edge(Edge/) - 见下文
它需要一点改变来处理 IE11 (Trident/) 和 Edge(Edge/)
If you read the rest of the chapter and download the source
then you can look at client.js:
It still works in IE10 on win7 and Chrome 67 on Win10
It needs a little change to handle IE11 (Trident/) and Edge(Edge/) - see later
It needs a little change to handle IE11 (Trident/) and Edge(Edge/)
该脚本显然不起作用 - 它只是将一堆变量设置为零或空,然后检查它们是否为零或空。我的猜测是,这不是整个脚本,并且缺少关键部分。
人们通常会做的是读取 UserAgent 字符串(我懒得去谷歌搜索你到底是如何做到这一点的)并在其中抛出一些正则表达式来检测已知模式。不过,这种用户代理嗅探有很多缺点:
它不向前兼容。您不知道未来的浏览器将使用哪些 UA 字符串,因此较新的浏览器很可能无法通过您的测试并收到最精简的版本,尽管它们可以轻松处理令人赏心悦目的内容-注意一。
UA 字符串不可靠。正是因为如此多的网站犯了嗅探的错误,然后没有定期更新,用户设置了不同的 UA 字符串,故意报告“错误”的渲染引擎。然后他们忘记将其切换回来,导致各种奇怪的行为。
长话短说,不要嗅探 UA 字符串并假设事情就是你想象的那样,只需单独、直接地测试功能即可。
The script obviously doesn't work - it just sets a bunch of variables to zero or null and then checks if they're zero or null. My guess would be that this is not the whole script, and that the crucial part is missing.
What one would normally do is read the UserAgent string (I'm too lazy to google how exactly you do that) and throw some regular expressions at it to detect known patterns. This kind of user agent sniffing has a bunch of downsides though:
It's not forward compatible. You don't know which UA strings future browsers are going to use, so most likely, newer browsers will fail your test and receive the most stripped-down version, even though they could easily handle the full-eye-candy-blow-your-mind one.
The UA string isn't reliable. Just because so many websites make the mistake of sniffing, and then not getting updated regularly, users set different UA strings, purposefully reporting a "wrong" render engine. And then they forget to switch it back, causing all sorts of weird behaviour.
Just because someone has a certain render engine doesn't mean you can rely on all features being there. Browsers are highly configurable, and people use all sorts of extensions, blocking things selectively or completely.
Long story short, instead of sniffing the UA string and assuming things are what you think they are, just test features individually and directly.
对于 ios、iphone、ipad,这非常简单,因为您只需使用即可固定尺寸或标准尺寸。
对于 Android,真正让您感到沮丧的是,我们发现好的做法是继续推进 ldpi、mdpi、hdpi、xhdi 和 max xxhdpi(对于选项卡)像素范围。
This is just an alternative. If you are really worried about the rendering issue, you can always playground with the screen width, as far as design is concerned.
For Single Page applications, you just need to screen the screen to the correct sizes depending upon the screen width and your requirement... :)
We made use of:
For ios, iphone, ipad it's quite easy as you have to play with just fixed sizes or the standard sizes.
For Android, really frustates you, what we found good was to move ahead with the ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdi and max xxhdpi (for tabs) Pixel ranges.