VB6 ADO 记录集限制
请不要笑,因为我问的是 VB6 问题?我必须做一些维护工作。有谁知道 VB6 ADO Recordset 可以返回的最大行数是多少?如果存在限制,是否有解决该限制的首选方法?
Please don't laugh because I'm asking a VB6 question? I have to do some maintenance work. Does anyone know what the maximum number of rows can be returned to a VB6 ADO Recordset? If there is a limit, is there a preferred method for getting around it?
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没有限制(请参阅文档链接),但如果您愿意,您可以提供一个。应该有一个 MaxRecords 属性你可以设置。您必须在打开记录集之前对其进行设置。
There is no limit (see link for documentation), but you can provide one if you want. There should be a MaxRecords property that you can set. You have to set it before you open the recordset.
RecordCount 属性是一个(签名)长(与 MaxRecords 一样),因此它不能容纳超过 2,147,483,647 行
The RecordCount property is a (signed) Long (as is the MaxRecords) so it won't be able to hold more than 2,147,483,647 rows